By Pam Dudding
Everyone loves to celebrate Independence Day, our federal holiday in the United States of America commemorating the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.
History states, “The Continental Congress declared that the thirteen American colonies were no longer subject to the monarch of Britain, King George III, and were now united, free, and independent states.” Therefore, Craig will have three events to attend!
On Saturday, July 2, Wilderness Adventure at Eagle Landing will have live music by The Kind, a folk-rock band from 6:30 until 9:30. Afterwards a great fireworks display will be presented by Master Displays.
Also, the Outpost Kitchen will be serving food and craft beer. There is a $10 suggested donation. For more info, visit www.wilderness-adventure.com/events.
On Monday, July 4, the Craig Valley Daughters of the American Revolution will be hosting their first Annual Patriotic Parade and they encourage everyone to enter and decorate their float, vehicles, pets, etc in patriotic attire, as Uncle Sam will be there too!
The most patriotic entry will be judged by a panel of members from the Alleghany DAR chapter in Blacksburg.
That winner will receive a souvenir plaque to take home (correction from last week’s article info). The Patriot’s Cup awarded to first place, will be engraved with the winner’s name, then put on public display, initially at the hometown Emporium General Store.
Children’s entries will be judged separately. Those winners will receive Declaration of Independence kits and participation medals.
All participants are encouraged to be at the Fairgrounds before 9:30 as judging will take place at the Fairgrounds between 9:30 and 10 a.m.
Prizes and gifts will be awarded in the yard of the courthouse at the close of the parade.
The parade will leave from the Fairgrounds at 10 a.m. Parade route will be Rt. 311 through the center of New Castle will be closed to thru traffic. Main Street will be closed, but you may park on 311 to view or park outside of Main Street and bring your chairs. Parade announcers will be at Farm Bureau.
For more information and to enter the parade or to volunteer, contact Tina Crawford at 540-765-9913 or CraigValleyChapterNSDAR@gmail.com.
Businesses open on July 4 will include, The Emporium, Food Country, and restaurants with extended hours are Bibo’s Pizzeria and Mike’s Ice House.
Also, immediately after the parade, the Historical Society will sell a hot dog lunch and the Public Library will have a Bake Sale on the porch of the Old Brick Hotel.
At noon in Paint Bank the Paint Bank Fire Department will have their annual chicken or ham dinner and at 2pm, an auction to raise funds.
The address of the firehouse is 15998 Paint Bank Road (Rt. 311), across from the Swinging Bridge store.
“Get your Red, White & Blue on!” the DAR shared.