By Pam Dudding Contributing writer
We are graced with beautiful winter seasons in Craig County. Still, there is nothing better than having a coat, hat, and gloves when you step out into the freezing cold to keep the chill off and a cold or flu at bay.
This year, for the first time, the Craig County Health Department is hosting a “Share the Warmth” program.
“Pat Johnston, who was our beloved public health nurse for 29 years, saw on the news where another locality was doing the same project and thought it would be a great way to give back to our community,” Kelcey Boyd, Office Manager, said.
They are collecting winter clothing, including coats, scarves, gloves, socks, hats, and “anything that keeps you warm.”
New and gently used items are also being accepted.
Everyone can bring a little New Year cheer to the season and clean out their closets or purchase any item that can be used, whether a pair of gloves or a coat.
All is needed for both children and adults.
“We’ve had quite a few generous donations of adult size coats, but we haven’t had any donations in child sizes,” Boyd said.
The Craig County Health Department has partnered with the Department of Social Services and the Craig County Sheriff’s Office for this project.
The drop-off location is at the Craig County Health Department at 161 Main Street in New Castle. The last day of January is the final opportunity donate anything.
DSS & the Sheriff’s Office will also be distributing them to families they know are in need.
If you or someone you love could benefit from a donation, feel free to reach out to any of the agencies: Craig County Health Department (540-864-5136), Department of Social Services (540-864-5117) and the Craig County Sheriff’s Office (540-864-5127). All names, information and donations are confidential.
“It’s incredibly heart-warming to have so many people willing to take their time and resources to donate towards keeping everyone in our community warm,” Boyd said. “Hopefully, it means one less thing for the recipients to worry about this winter and will be able to put their limited resources towards other needs.”