Courtesy photo
Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
Many people stand tall when they hear the country’s national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner,” whose words include, “Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there, O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
With patriotic honor, the Waiteville community holds an annual Memorial Day dinner to honor those who lost their lives fighting for the freedom of all who live in the United States of America.
This year, it will be held on Sunday, May 28 from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the Community Center off Waiteville Road.
The cost of the meal, whether one dines inside or would prefer to carry-out is $13 and children under 5 years of age will be free.
This year’s menu includes a choice of ham or chicken, scalloped potatoes, green beans, coleslaw, baked apples, roll, dessert and drink.
Those who plan to purchase over five meals to-go should notify Shelby Jennings at shelbyjennings1958@hotmail.com before the day of the event.
Proceeds from the dinner support the WCC building maintenance fund as they are continuing to upgrade and replace many needed things as well as pay the monthly bills.
Also, the WCC is selling spring raffle tickets. The first prize will be a farm/yard gift basket valued at $165, second prize will be $100 cash and third prize will be a homemade wreath valued at $100.
Raffle tickets are $5 each or three tickets for $10 and the drawing will be held at the Memorial Day dinner on May 28. Participants do not need to be present to win.
Tickets are available from WCC board members, and at the Memorial Day dinner. Those who would like to sell tickets should contact a WCC board member.
Other events at the WCC are:
- Painting Event on Saturday, June 17, from 2 4:30 p.m. under the guidance of artist Vicky Grant. The charge is $25, which includes supplies. Those interested in painting a picture to take home should contact Shelby Jennings at 304-772-5503 or ShelbyJennings1958@hotmail.com.
- The Third Annual Waiteville School Reunion will be on Saturday, September 16, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Those who attended the former Waiteville School between 1950 and 1967 can plan to bring their family and renew friendships with former classmates.
Also, the Waiteville Community Center’s new Facebook page is up and running with current information. It can be found under WCC Waiteville, West Virginia.
“The Waiteville Community Center needs donations to continue restoration of the building,” shared Janet McDaniel, secretary. “Additionally, the Waiteville Cemetery Fund needs donations to help keep the cemetery looking nice.”
Donations can be dropped off at the Memorial Day Dinner or mailed to: Waiteville Community Center –
C/O David Furrow, 3869 Waiteville Road, Waiteville, WV 24984 or for the Waiteville Cemetery Fund –
C/O Jean Rock, 6306 Waiteville Road, Waiteville, WV 24984.
“Come enjoy a meal with your family and friends and support the WCC,” McDaniel added.
As the National Anthem concludes, “Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto – “In God is our trust”, And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave, O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”