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Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
As Veteran Day approached, many people were reminded of fond memories of loved ones that served or are serving in the military to preserve the freedom of the country.
The Forks of Johns Creek Christian Church conducted their Annual Salute to Veterans Service, “Reflections with Reverence and Appreciation” on Sunday, Nov. 5.
“The congregation celebrated the men and women who have served and are serving in the five branches of the military from the John’s Creek Valley as well as loved ones for FJCCC members and community members,” shared Dale King.
Congregation members began the service with the reverence that comes from reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Pledge of Allegiance to the Christian Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Bible.
“This was followed with a very solemn element in the Order of Service when Post Commander Billy Lee of VFW Post 4491 presented a United States Flag to Bertha Ratliff in memory of her brother Willie Lee Lang who died in World War II on April 25, 1945,” King said. “Bertha never knew her brother as he died before she was born.”
King added that along with Bertha placing the tri-cornered flag on the altar there were seven other members who honored their loved ones by placing the flags that had draped the coffins of their husbands, fathers and brothers on the altar table at the front of the sanctuary.

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These members included Jackie Echols in memory of Estial Echols; Roger Huffman in memory of Wayne Huffman; Deidira Stewart and Devonne Reynolds in memory of Mitch Reynolds; Bill Mitchell in memory of Don Mitchell; Anita Blevins in memory of Robert Dunbar; and J. Wayne King in memory of James King.
In addition, a patriotic slide show was shown that included over 50 service members that centered upon honoring veterans who have served in all branches of the U.S. Military during past and current military service men and women.
The “Salute to Veterans Service” was followed by a fellowship meal to celebrate their living veterans as well as their deceased veterans.
The phrase, “God and Country” permeate from this special service, not only honoring veterans, but bringing families together in one heart.