Craig County High School will be having its homecoming football game this Friday, Oct. 21 at 7 p.m. Students are encouraging the community to attend and support the team and students.
Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
Craig County students are encouraging the community to join them at their Homecoming football game this Friday, Oct. 21 at 7 p.m.
“Bring your bells, your pompoms and your shouts for our team!” they shared. “Dress in your Rocket blues and let’s make it a game to remember!”
The homecoming game will be against the Bath County Chargers.
The homecoming court will be presented at halftime where the king and queen will be crowned.
Also, Craig County High School will have spirit week activities every day, including class competitions and a special pep rally on Friday: Monday – ‘Merica day, Tuesday – twin day, Wednesday –white lie day, Thursday – pajama day and Friday – blue and white day.
At the homecoming pep rally, there will be a “Pie in the Face” for the favorite cheerleader. The students are voting .01 per 1 vote.
Following the game, Cornerstone Youth will be hosting a “5th quarter” in the cafeteria for the students. There will be free food (some being from Bojangles, Subs Plus, Mac & Bobs and Krispy Kreme), games, music and giveaways.
Then on Saturday, they will have their homecoming dance at the school gym from 6–9 p.m. Dave’s Live Sounds will be bringing the music.
The Booster Club will have lots of food at the concession stands for sale. However, they still need help.
“We did not have a Booster Club during COVID, and the ones that were in Booster had quit,” shared Angela Spence. “However, Rebekah Crawford stepped up to be president, even though she doesn’t have any kids but is a CCHS graduate.”
Since, a few others have gladly stepped up to the plate, but they are still in need. The sad part is that Spence doesn’t get to watch her son play ball when she has no help. This is his senior year, and her desires are to see him play.
“In order for us to help out with purchasing sports equipment, etc., we have to have the concessions, being the only moneymaker, we have,” Spence added. “We need the help and support of our community, even if you don’t want to work the entire game, just part.”
She noted that anyone who does work the booth doesn’t pay admission into the game.
One thing she really needs help in is selling tickets for the 50/50.
They still need people to help them work the concession on Oct. 25 and Nov. 4 games.