By Pam Dudding
The biggest attendance at the Craig County Fairgrounds is always the demolition derbies, and for a valid reason!
At the last derby, the big car derby was ready to roll as the drivers pulled into the ring that was nicely muddied down by the Upper Craigs Creek Volunteer Fire Department.
Engines revved and some with smoke stacks sticking high in the air with flames kicking out on occasion as each entered the ring as emcee David Looney announced their names. It was time for the “well-known” big car show of the best hard-hitting drivers.
There was only one heat, with six drivers. They were, Donnie Fisher – 21 in a Chrysler Imperial, Joey Minter – 94 in a New Yorker, PJ Welch – 56 driving a Lincoln town car, Corie Trivette – 35 in a Chrysler New Yorker, Jimmy Owen – 09 in a Crown Vic and Matt Flinchum – 97 Ford Wagon.
The audience counted down, the horn blew and the minds of the drivers went into gear, adjusting their positions for the maximum damage with their hits. (Please forgive me as the cars were so loud, I missed much of the recorded derby, so I only could hear portions to record.)
Still, 94 and 56 started out with a good hit. 97 and 21 do a center ring dance while 56 pushes 21. Hits continue. 56 got stuck and was spinning like crazy while 21 lost his wheel and his axle, but it didn’t stop hin as he revved higher to make hits.
The derby had to stop while Speedy took the backhoe and picked it up. When the horn blew again, pedals went to the metal and everybody was hitting. 56 and 21 we’re going at it and 35 joined in. 21 trying to go but the car won’t go the way he wanted with only three wheels. 56 got a surprise ram in the rear.
Engines were revving, tires were spinning, and drivers were ramming! There was no grace given. 21 got in a good ram on 94. 09 and 97 going strong at each other. 35 went after 09 with a hard hit. 09 returned the favor by hitting hard and strong, not letting up. 94 continued to keep the pedal to the metal as he drove around hitting, trying to make the best of every hit.
Cars were being pushed up on the wall, driven into the mud and crushed beyond recognition, as everyone was still hitting hard. 35 came in for a hard ram on 94 but 94 came back and went after 35. 09 pushed 35 into the wall and then 94 came in from behind into 35.
It was already over ten minutes. No one was letting up which gave a great show! It was a true demolition derby!
35 and 94 started at it again, as one pushed and then the other pushed back. So much fun to watch!
The wall became friends to many drivers during the demolition though most of them came right back off. 94 and 09 take turns ramming and pushing one another back and forth to see who the strongman truly is!
35 rams 09 and sparks start flying out of 09. Just a little extra fire. 09 finally got out of the middle huddle and started pushing 94. The table turned and 09 was on the hunt. 35 was pushed onto the wall and couldn’t seem to get off. 09 went for 94 and rammed the front. 35 still trying to get off the wall. He was waiting for someone to come and hit him to get him off the wall so he can join in again. That’s the way of the derby! Bring him back out so you can hit him again!
09 and 94 playing “ram me” again as they went backwards and forwards. It didn’t seem to matter as they hit either way they could go! 94 now 9 started a nice ramming battle again. Neither would relent! 09 takes 94 across the ring and into the wall. 94 comes back down off the wall. Then 09 Rams him again up against the wall.
Sparks are flying out of 94 as he pushes 09 backwards. The battle is on as they push each other back and forth with tire spinning, mud flying and engines revving. It’s a power battle of the bigs!
09 pushed 94 against the wall and 94 was spinning but pushed 09 backwards and then 09 powers up and pushes 94 backwards as it’s a tug of power. 09 comes back and rams 94 up against the wall and 94 is spinning, but can’t get traction. 09 backs up and goes in for another good hit. Then 09 backs up and waits as he looks to see if 94 can get off the wall. 09 decides to go in for one more hit but then waits. 94 sticks his arm out the window and waves him on, as if to say, “Come on!” But the horn blew and the heat was over. 09 won the heat.
The crowd went wild with applause, whoops and hollers echoed throughout the arena. The exciting heat lasted almost 20 minutes which may have been a record. First place went to Jimmy Owen 09, second place Joey Minter 94 and third place Corie Trivette 35.
Metal carnage TV awarded the Mad Dog award to Joey Minter 94 for being the most aggressive driver. Metal carnage TV videoed the Derby and you can watch it on their YouTube channel.
Beautiful trophies and checks were given to the drivers, as they congratulated one another on a great heat. The next derby is scheduled for August 27. All participants are encourage to sign up.