Ann Harrell
Contributing writer
For years, area residents have visited the Catawba Valley Farmers Market (CVFM) beginning in early May just in time for Mother’s Day shopping. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CVFM will not open until at least June 10, although this date is subject to change.
CVFM is sponsored by Virginia Tech and the Virginia Tech Catawba Sustainability Center. As a result, the Market is following Virginia Tech’s safety guidelines regarding the pandemic. As soon it is deemed safe to do so, the CVFM market will reopen for vendors and customers alike.
In the meantime, vendors are still producing vegetable and flower plants, hanging baskets, baked goods and crafts. Some vendors are selling their products in other locations, including from roadside stands at their homes. For more information on those vendors, contact Lindsey Sowers at 540-598-2047 or Kristy Sowers at 540-598-1784. Interested individuals are encouraged not to call on Sunday.
The Sowers mother and daughter team is selling hanging baskets, vegetable and flower plants and baked goods from their home in Roanoke County. Some delivery may be available. At this time, these are their flower varieties: impatients, petunias, calibrachoa superbells, verbena, ephorbia diamond snow, hydrangeas, dahlias, feathertop ornamental grass, lavender, marigolds, sunflowers and zinnias. The two have hanging baskets, pots, planters, four-packs and six-packs.

Vegetable plants include tomatoes, squash, cucumber, eggplant, peppers, cantaloupe and watermelon.
Baked goods include fresh apple cake, cream cheese pound cake, chocolate chip pound cake, angel food cake – whole or halves. Cookies include peanut butter chocolate chip, preacher, molasses and peanut butter and they are by the dozen.
Meg Hibbert, also known as the Cookie Lady, can be reached at (540) 354-8616 for her baked goods at the Salem Farmers Market, for pickup only, on Saturdays between 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. To place an order, contact her before 7 p.m. on Thursday.
The Salem Farmers Market is operating on Place Order – Pickup Only basis – no browsing or shopping allowed. Payment is only available by credit or debit card.
Blueberry muffins, cinnamon pecan rolls, sourdough rolls, dark chocolate chip cookies or oatmeal raisin cookies are just some of the items available at the Market.
Updates on the vendors and on their products may be found on the Catawba Farmers Market Facebook page and on the website (catawbafarmersmarket.com).