Empowering individuals to build a stronger community
Calling all Readers!
“A book lying idle on a shelf is wasted ammunition. Like money, books must be kept in constant circulation… A book is not only a friend, it makes friends for you. When you have possessed a book with mind and spirit, you are enriched. But when you pass it on you are enriched threefold.”
― Henry Miller, The Books in My Life
Tell us about the books you are reading! Now that summer is here, doesn’t it sound great to lie on the beach with a good book? To swing in a hammock in the shade with a book in your hand? To visit your air conditioned library to pick up a great adventure book? Books travel with us everywhere, whether the paper or the electronic variety.
When you read a good book, share your review with us. We love book reviews, especially when written by local folks and teens. If we don’t have a book you are looking for, we can get it through an interlibrary loan. If there is a particular book you want us to purchase for our collection, please write the title and author on a note for our library director. We are constantly updating our collection.
Here are some tips for a good book review. Keep it to 5 or 6 sentences. What is the book about? Describe why you chose this book and what you liked about it. Try not to give the ending away! Who would you recommend this book to? Include your name, the title and the author of the book. You may email your reviews to [email protected] and we will include your review in a future Library Corner!
Be sure to come and visit the Craig Library this month and “Get Connected” with a good book. While you are here, fill out a Friends of the Library membership to show your support. We are small but mighty… mighty full, mighty busy, and mighty important to a lot of people!