Mountain Castles Soil & Water Conservation District recognized John and Mary Hunter with the Craig County Clean Water Farm Award at their winter awards banquet. The Hunters operate J&M Farm, which is in the Sinking Creek watershed.
“John and Mary are very involved in the farming community,” said Dan Naff of Mountain Castles SWCD. “They have participated in several conservation programs, are very active in youth agricultural education, and have been a part of the Farm Service Agency County Committee.”
The Hunters have excluded their cattle from all water on their home farm. Additionally, they recently completed a tree planting project which protected 2.5 acres along a mountain spring and stream. According to Naff, streamside trees are especially effective in reducing water pollution from sediment and harmful nutrients found in animal waste. The Hunters also incorporate rotational grazing, where cattle are moved frequently to allow the pasture to rest and regrow.
Each year, the Mountain Castles recognizes farmers who have demonstrated a commitment to conservation through best management practices such as livestock stream exclusion, rotational grazing, installing streamside buffers, and planting cover crops. More information about these and other conservation practices is available at https://www.mountaincastles.org/.
-The New Castle Record