Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
Many in the county find it difficult to believe that summer break is almost over for the students of Craig County Public Schools, but it is.
The division brought a bus to Food Country on Saturday, July 22 so families could help support kids in the community by filling up the bus with supplies.
However, those who missed this opportunity may drop them off at the schools or the Craig County school bus will also be at the Salem Walmart on Saturday, Aug. 5.
The teachers and administration at McCleary Elementary School have made it easier for parents to purchase supplies by providing a specific list.
Below are the categories:
- Preschool: Backpack, 1 one-inch binder, 1 box of crayons, baby wipes (Necessary only if your child is potty training), tissues, gallon size bags, beach towel or small blanket for rest time – this will be sent home every Friday to be washed and returned and is for full day students, and a change of multi-seasonal clothes/to be replaced as needed, including shirt, pants, socks, and underwear.
- Kindergarten: Pencils, pencil box, box of crayons (basic 8 colors), one pair of blunt edge scissors, glue sticks, two-pocket folder, baby wipes and headphones or ear buds. Also, if you would like to donate items for the classroom, their wish list includes tissues, markers, glue sticks and baggies of any size. Also, parents should send a change of multi-seasonal clothes for spills and incidents.
- First grade: 1 plastic pencil box, 1 black 1 and half inch three ring binder with clear plastic sleeve on the front of it, 1 plain red plastic pocket folder for desk work, 1 dozen sharpened pencils, 1 pair of blunt end scissors, 2 dozen glue sticks, 1 box of Crayola fine line markers, 2 boxes of Crayola 8-count basic crayons only and a set of headphones or earbuds. The classroom wish list includes black dry erase markers, tissues, sandwich and gallon size baggies.
- Second grade: 1 pencil pouch or box, 1 pack of washable markers and/or colored pencils, 1 pack of crayons, 1 pair of scissors, at least 15 Glue sticks, 1 two-pocket folders, 1 pack of highlighters, 1 pack of black dry erase markers, and 1 pair of headphones or earbuds. The classroom wish list includes extra glue sticks, tissues and sandwich and gallon-size baggies.
- Third grade: Pencil pouch or box, sharpened pencils, loose leaf paper, 1 marble composition, notebooks, 2 spiral notebooks, glue sticks, highlighters, scissors, pencil cap erasers, black dry erase markers and headphones or Earbuds. The classroom wish list includes tissues, hand sanitizer, sandwich and gallon-size baggies, graph paper, colored pencils, washable markers and crayons.
- Fourth grade: lose leaf paper, pencil pouch, 5 spiral notebooks, 5 pocket folders, pencils, colored pencils or crayons, glue sticks, scissors, pack of black dry erase markers (others stain the whiteboards), individual pencil sharpener, highlighters and headphones or earbuds. The classroom wish list includes tissues, and sandwich and gallon-size baggies.
- Fifth grade: 2 boxes of pencils, scissors, glue sticks, reusable water bottle (no glass please), pack of pencil top erasers, pack of black dry erase markers (others stain the whiteboards), a 2-inch 3-ring binder, pack of tab dividers, 2 composition notebooks and headphones or ear buds. The classroom wish list includes loose leaf paper (wide ruled), hand sanitizer, sandwich and gallon size baggies, construction paper, graph paper, highlighters, colored pencils, crayons and red pens for students to check work.
Also, those who need assistance in providing supplies for their child, should contact the school’s principal.