Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
The local Craig Valley VFW Post 4491 annually invites students of Craig County Public Schools to participate in their contests of writing.
This year, the previous winners took the prizes again as Makenzie Lucas took first place for Voice of Democracy contest.
She responded to this year’s question, “What are the greatest attributes of our democracy?”
The United States of America was founded in 1776. Since the birth of our country, it has undergone change and developed into the beloved land that we know today. I firmly believe that the greatest attributes of our dear democracy are all of our freedoms, our right to vote, and the unique resilience of our nation.
As American citizens, we have so many freedoms that not every country is blessed to have. Thanks to the first amendment in the Bill of Rights, we have freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of assembly. The other amendments should not be overlooked, however this amendment in particular is distinctive because only around 45% of countries offer these freedoms.
Our right to vote is what makes us a democracy. The sixteenth president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, defined our government in the Gettysburg Address as “of the people, by the people, for the people”. The citizens get to vote on our legislative and executive branches, who make laws and set forth policies concerning Americans. When voting, there are many safeguards put into effect to ensure voting is both fair and true.
The United States of America has shown its undeniable resilience throughout its history. With utter determination, we claimed independence from England via the Revolutionary War. We fought for territory over time through the Indian American Wars. Foreign countries have attempted to take over America and her land, but have been unsuccessful, thanks to the bravery of our past and present soldiers and our inexhaustible perseverance.
The greatest attributes of our democracy are the unique freedoms our country holds, the fact that the government is run by the people, and the durability of our nation. America has stood strong for nearly 250 years. We are blessed to call this land ours and owe it all to the brave men and women that have fought to ensure our freedom. As our Pledge of Allegiance states, “…one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”.
Lucas won a gift card and the opportunity to compete in the next level of VFW writing competition.
The VFW shared that they are always encouraged to hear the writings of our students in Craig County.