Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
Having a pet is a huge responsibility and caring for them takes time, effort and money.
However, Craig County Volunteer Rescue Squad has made it much simpler and less expensive by offering a rabies shot locally for $15.
On Saturday, Feb. 18, the rescue squad held its annual drive-thru rabies vaccination clinic at the Craig County Fairgrounds, where over 100 dogs and cats were able to receive their vaccine.
The convenience of the event was that they drive through the fairgrounds, entering one gate and exiting another, which allowed the owners to stay in their vehicles with their pets and not have to get out, as the animals stayed in the vehicles during the vaccine as well.
“In this manner, we experience no difficulties really,” shared First Lieutenant Trace Bellassai. “The drive through has been a very efficient method for us, and I think the community members enjoy the convenience of not needing to get out of their vehicles.”
Dr. Marge Lewter was the veterinarian and has been assisting the rescue squad in previous years with this event, especially to raise needed funds for the squad.
Other who assisted her were Robert Wrzosek, Greg May, Stefanie Sarine, Kirsten Gereaux, Bill Lyle, Andre Charette, Aaron Weiss and Trace Bellassai.
As people drove through, they are given a form to fill out, as the squad shared that, “It is extremely helpful when people are able to fill out the requested paperwork ahead of time as it makes everything move so much quicker.”
The rescue squad received about $700 from the vaccine charges, and $120 in donations.
“We wish to send out a huge thank you to all involved and everyone who came out with their pets and those that donated above and beyond what we were asking for the vaccine!” Bellassai shared.
Currently they are working on a new fundraiser, a “shoe drive.”
“People can donate used shoes to be recycled and the rescue squad will receive some money for each pair donated,” Bellassai said.
More information will be in future issues.
“I’m happy to say we have a very active social and fundraising committee now, so there are a few other things in the works as well,” he added.
Those interested in donating to the rescue squad can do so either online or by check.
Checks can be made out to Craig County Rescue and mailed to PO Box 81, New Castle, VA 24127. The website is and click on the donate link.
“If anyone has questions, feel free to call the Rescue Squad at 540-864-5115, or email us at,” Bellassai shared.
Again, the Squad sends their great appreciation to all who participated and graciously donated.