Photo by Pam Dudding
Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
For all of those derby fans, this year was a great year for the drivers who seemed to enjoy bashing up their cars against others in the demolition derbies.
Metal Carnage TV shared that as their 2022 Points Series came to an end, they congratulated two of Craig County’s drivers, and now champions, “Baby” Grant Oliver and Donnie Wayne Fisher.
Metal Carnage TV unveiled the championship trophies which were cut out of metal and had the look of the American flag with it’s red and white stripes and blue background tapered in stars.
They were tall and stunning, with the drivers’ name plate attached to the bottom wooden stand and a 2022 Champion metal sign added to the side.

Photo by Pam Dudding
“This is our second year running the Metal Carnage Point Series, but we’ve been in the derby community for several years,” Metal Carnage shared. “We got started in 2017 when our founder, Dustin Price, decided to run in the Mayhem at The Mile derby at Motor Mile Speedway in Dublin with a GoPro camera on his car.”
They said that after they noticed how much fun Dustin had, his cousin, Courtney Price, decided to get in on the action, along with Josh Meadows.
“From there Dustin made a hand-held camera mount for the GoPro and we started reaching out to promoters asking to film their shows,” they added. “We noticed that there isn’t a point series that covers our area, so we decided to create one.”
Points are given out based on how many cars run in each class, and then dependent on the driver’s finishing position.
“Metal Carnage TV is all about the show, the big hits, so we give additional points for Mad Dog winners; point amounts are again based on how many cars were in the class,” they shared. “However, we also deduct a point if you’re caught sandbagging.”
Their favorite motto is “I’d rather lose putting on a show than sandbag to win.”
They noted that, “As for choosing the winners, it all comes down to the points earned during the shows we cover throughout the year, typically ending our season in October.”
Young Grant Oliver, who people call “Baby Grant,” started getting into derby demolitions when he was only 15 years old.
He took first place in the compact car division.
“My dad was the one who encouraged me 100%!” he exclaimed with a big grin.
His father, BJ Oliver, shared, “His winning the award made me feel very proud of him.”
Oliver added that his father’s buddies and Donnie Wayne had an influence on him, giving him the “itch” to try it himself and as he did, Grant said, “They loved it!”
He shared that he’s already looking forward to the upcoming season of derbying, as he will “try to make them run a little better.”
Following in the footsteps of many people who enjoy the sport, Oliver said he encourages the younger ones to join in as well, though he is still only 17 years “young.”
“I got the nickname ‘Baby Grant’ as I was the youngest in my family,” Oliver shared. “However, now that I’m older, it’s just a joke about it now.”
“I would like to thank Justin Boitnotte for all the long hours and hot days he helped me and everyone that helped me in the pits,” Oliver said.
“You can either be good at making money or spending it all and I think we see which one I’m better at!” He said as he posted a picture on facebook with two “future derby cars” on a rollback. “Always gotta be ready for the next derby season!”
Winning the Metal Carnage award at such a young age was quite a feat. “It meant that not only could the people you share a passion with be friends, but they turn into almost a family-like relationship,” he added.
Metal Carnage TV full size car derby winner was awarded to Donnie Wayne Fisher.
“I have to give a big ‘thanks’ to Metal Carnage TV,” Fisher shared. “I have won a lot of shows, but these Mad Dog trophies and points trophies are definitely the nicest ones around.”
He added, “I was lucky enough to win the points again this year, though I didn’t think I had any chance this year.”
“I want to add a congratulations to Grant Oliver and to Andy Anderson on their points as well this year,” Fisher said.
“For any drivers interested in our series, please feel free to reach out to us on our facebook page Metal Carnage TV, and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel, Metal Carnage TV,” Metal Carnage TV shared. “And once again, a huge congratulations to Donnie Wayne & Baby Grant on their championship wins this year!”