Photo by Pam Dudding
All is calm, all is bright. The packages have been all quickly unwrapped, and everything seems just, so right!
For many, this is a time of year that brings belly laughs a plenty, hugs beyond expressions and smiles so deep that they leave a memorable imprint on one’s heart.
Most everyone finds it easy to say, “Merry Christmas” and life just seems to be a little brighter for all.
The ‘funnnnest’ part, (as some kids say), is waking up on Christmas morn to find their ‘wish list’ under the tree. “It’s here!” most exclaim. Wrapping paper fills the air as parents and family members video the elation of the special moments.
Regardless, it seems to be the love of the season that makes Christmas what it truly is….a day of love to share with others.
Some kids unwrap one gift at a time while others can’t finish one until their eyes are set on the next one! “My child is one of those!” one lady said with a heartfelt smile. “She will run around to everyone else’s laps as well, willingly ready to shred their paper for them too!”
There are many adults that seem to enjoy the unwrapping as much, if not more than the kids. “My husband will tear a package open in less than a second!” one wife shared with a giggle.
Still, in Craig, we find that other families recent and at Christmastime in the past have had a more difficult time.
There have been many deaths that have brought much sadness to their homes, yet the community seems to stick together to help one another, especially during this season.
A lady took a beautiful Christmas basket filled with goodies to every one of the residents at The Commons.
The Upper Craigs Creek Fire Department took Santa to the doorsteps of many kids to only be greeting with glee and big smiles.
The Craig County Rescue Squad sponsored a “Light Up Craig” decorating contest and of course the town sponsored the annual Christmas parade which was great this year.
Food Country helped by putting up an Angel tree which had names hanging on it of needs for community members, and within only days, they were all spoken for.
Many churches planned specials for the kids, along with cantata’s and Christmas plays.
Though Christmas music plays in one home, and sirens ring at another, Craig County still seems to hold true to the saying, “There’s no place like home… in a small-town community.”
Still, the joy seems to immediately emerge and is shared by all, when anyone watches a child open a gift, and their eyes get so big, their mouth opens with that big ‘O’ shape and their eyes twinkle like Santa’s. “It’s a moment that can’t be substituted for anything else!” one family member shared.
Some more ‘techie’ families will take a picture of their living room and through today’s technology, download a picture of Santa standing there in the middle of it, waving! Oh, how that excites the kids, to SEE Santa in their home!
One gentleman said, “My mom has always told me that Christmas isn’t about how many gifts you receive, but about creating memories with friends and loved ones that you can cherish for a lifetime.”
Inside, the traditional Christmas trees gleefully light up the living rooms with twinkle lights, decorations and angels and stars atop them. Some explained that their trees had nothing on the bottom of their trees, due to their cats, dogs and little children grabbing them off!
Outside of many homes, the decorations glow on fences, in trees and displayed in yards to celebrate the season.
Carrying on the tradition of gifts, eating meals together and creating an atmosphere of joy and cheer is one that raises the bar of a happy life in a home.
At many homes, ‘feasts’ will be served and only elbow room available. Foot stools, piano benches, and any kind of apparatus one could sit on was brought up to the table, even if an extra knee, so everyone could be there together.
Several family members add their annual ‘CHRIST-mas Eve Service’ to their agenda, celebrating the real meaning behind Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ. “You can’t leave out Baby Jesus!” one child exclaimed.
Here in America, it is the reason for the season that comes first and foremost, and that is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior, the baby born to a virgin in a manger, the true spirit of “CHRIST-mas”.
Christmas. A time of year where people seem to be a little nicer and most look at the glass as half full instead of half empty, even when it’s not.
Christmas in Craig, a time where citizens continue to look out for their neighbors while also enjoying the meaningful season with their loving families.
The delight of the season seems to be abundant in Craig County.
The Lord Jesus Christ shares in His Word in 1 Peter 5:7, that He understands hard times, and He encourages everyone to “cast your cares upon Him”, for he can carry them and most importantly, “He cares for you”.
The CHRIST-mas season brings a lot of joy to many. Still, there are the lonely and hurt that need an extra touch, so be attentive to those around you for that need. You may be the only Jesus they get to meet.
The Bible also shares in Philippians 4:6-7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Jesus Christ was born for purpose. He lived for purpose, died for purpose, and will come back again for his final purpose.
But for this season, and always, He extends His arms and His Word to all who will ask and seek Him.
For on CHRIST-mas day, we celebrate the birth of a child. But more than that, a Savior, one who chose to come to earth, leave heaven and join us, a fallen world of people who need “saving”.
This CHRIST-mas, seek Him. Talk to Him and tell Him your cares. Then listen. He still speaks. He loves.
And may you have a joyous CHRIST-mas holiday, regardless of your circumstances. May He add to your laughter, celebrations, and holiday cheer as many share, “Merry CHRIST-mas and Shalom to everyone!”
-Pam Dudding