Courtesy photo
Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
As the sirens rang from the Upper Craig Creek Volunteer Fire Trucks on Route 311, kids ran out to meet Santa, who was taking a ride.
One home at a time, the fire trucks meandered into tight driveways, pulled over on the side of the road, just to make sure they got a visit from Santa.
This has become an annual tradition of the newly established volunteer fire department of Upper Craig Creek.
They announced on Facebook, days before, that Santa’s helpers were busy filling candy bags to give to each child.
Shawn Matheney, fire chief, shared, “We look forward to seeing everyone!”
The squad and volunteers met at the Upper Craig Creek Fire Station, and “fueled up” on eggs, sausage and pancakes before starting their trek with Santa.
On Saturday, Dec. 10, the fire trucks started at 9 a.m. at the Craig County line and drove Route 311 to Carpers Quick Mart.
Parents joined together at some stops, so that Santa could see many kids.
Squeals of excitement and kids jumping for joy were the experience Santa looked forward to as he spoke to each child.
As he handed candy bags to the kids, eyes were gleeful, and the atmosphere around seemed to be filled with hope and excitement.
The UCCVFD traveled for a few hours to make sure all the kids got to see Santa in person, meandering onto side roads and also down Route 621, after traveling Route 311.
The squad shared that they were happy to be a part of making little kids smile.
Also, they send out a big “thank you” to all the people who gave donations to make this possible, adding “Have a HOHOHO Christmas!”