Being selected by one’s own school is an honor, but being selected by an entire district is humbling.
Ryan Frazier was voted as basketball “Coach of the Year” by the Pioneer District, which Craig County High School is a part of. All Pioneer basketball coaches voted from East Montgomery, Bath, Highland, Covington, Craig, Narrows and Parry McCluer. When Frazier found out he was chosen, he said, “I was honestly surprised. We as a group thought we could have achieved more this season.”
Frazier has been coaching for five years at CCHS. However, last year they were not able to have a season. “My dad was a big influence and he taught me the fundamentals of playing and coaching,” Frazier said. “Also, my college Coach Bill Pope at Northside and Jimmy Allen who is head coach at Army at West Point.” He added, “I really enjoy working with the players and trying to improve them. There is something special about being part of a team, no matter the role.”
Ryan is married to Sierra Frazier, the art teacher at CCHS. They live in Craig and have a son, Judson Frazier, and a daughter, Finley Frazier. Judson was proud to take a picture with his dad when he received the award at the School Board meeting.
“My son is a huge basketball fan and Rockets fan!” Frazier said with a big smile. “He would get pretty upset when we would lose! We love our Rockets!”
CCHS football Coach Jimmy Fisher shared, “Ryan has always been first class and a gentleman. Being named Coach of the Year is an acknowledgement of his knowledge and skill as a basketball coach but more importantly it is a testament to his character. I am happy for him and very proud of him.”
Frazier shared, “I wish to thank my staff, Jason Lucas and David McPherson. They were a huge help all year and a true team effort. Also, my wife and kids as they sacrifice more than most people know. Being a coach’s wife is not easy!”
Sierra was given a certificate from the girls coach, Carrie Hutton, that read, “Pioneer District, Sierra Frazier, All time mother/wife, for the 2021-22 school year for Varsity Boys Basketball.” She added that it was in the color red instead of blue and white because it was very important.
Sierra had posted his award picture on Facebook and received over 100 likes and comments. She also added that Judd “could not stop talking about how his daddy got a trophy!”
When asked the question, “If you could get two things for your Craig basketball team, what would be on your wish list?” he replied, “I would give about anything for a wood floor to play on at home.”
Frazier sends a message to his team of something he said he says all the time. “Nothing works, unless you do!” Frazier exclaimed. “That’s sports and life.”
Frazier added on his Facebook post, “It was a group effort. I didn’t win the award without the boys efforts this year. They are the ones that made all this happen, including four all-district players and two all-region, and more importantly 11 great kids. Go Rockets!”