Pam Dudding Contributing writer
It seems that no one works harder or more diligently than volunteers. Their hearts are often worn on their sleeves as they balance their personal life and families with their volunteer work for the community.
The Upper Craigs Creek Volunteer Department (UCCVFD) is still growing, both in numbers and in service.
Recently, UCCVFD, Station 5 erected a radio tower to help with reception at the station.
“These guys and gals are going above and beyond to better serve our community,” said Chief Shawn Matheney.
It was hard and grueling work, but many came to help in digging the holes, setting the pole and pouring concrete, amongst other jobs.
Earlier in the weeks, the trucks were seen at the creeks.
One Facebook post stated, “And they think we are just filling swimming pools, making money for the department from donations, and helping the community out when in all reality, the truck is getting run instead of just sitting in the building doing nothing, and pumping water and drafting to fill over and over.”
The post also said that this task needs to be done “over and over until it becomes second nature for the volunteers. So, when seconds count, we can all flow water without hesitation.”
Their previous meal fundraisers have been good, and the crew shared how appreciative they are to the community of Craig for all of their support.
Event organizers will be trying something different in August. Their Inaugural Car Truck/Tractor and Bike Show is scheduled for August 7, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. A rain date, if need be, will be on August 28.
There will be first, second and third place trophies awarded. The vehicles will be “judged by the public.”
The indoor spot registration fee is $35 and outdoor spot is $25. To reserve a spot, call (540) 588-7158.
Also, they will be serving a plate which will include a hot dog, chips, drink and a dessert for a $10 donation. Meals will be available to go as well.
They are happy to announce that they will be selling raffle tickets for a zero-turn mower for $20 each. The drawing will take place at the Fall Festival on Main Street in New Castle on October 9.
They also noted that Rusty and Nicole Zimmerman sold them the mower – a 2021 Spartan RZ Pro 54” Zero-Turn – at a discounted price which helped them out tremendously.
They also have a second-place prize which is a Yetti Roadie 24.
“We hope you can join us by entering your vehicle at our show, or just pop by to look at them and get you a meal,” the crew shared. “You never know what you might see the station 5 crew doing.”