Pam Dudding Contributing writer
It’s often said that “a good man can’t be kept down.” Alvin Hodge is one of those men in Craig County.
The coronavirus pandemic greatly interrupted his auction business over the last year-and-a-half. But he is back on his feet, opening a new business that will still bring the “’old country’ back to those who love history, antiques and ‘just a good ole’ buy.”’
His business, Legacy Auction of Virginia, LLC, now has added a permanent retail location at 6873 Craig Valley Drive in New Castle, as a Buy, Sell and Trade business.
Hodge shared that he has always liked retail and “being with the local people is great.”
He also noted that at most of his auctions, few items are leftover.
“I would usually buy them from the seller and give them away, so I thought as I approached retiring from Yokohama why not sell them,” he said. “Also, with the new gun laws in Virginia, I could no longer sell at auctions without an FFL license, so I now have them.”
His wife Amanda and daughter, Elizabeth Mabes, also help to run the store.
Elizabeth has added a little room for her handmade items. Many of her woodburning thing has a way of grabbing people’s attention.
Also, Hodge offers to look at individuals’ items they carry into his store as well as go to their homes to look at their wares if they wish to sell them.
“I also try to buy items in lots, like a truck load of yard sale leftovers,” he added. (However, they are not accepting consignment items.)
Hodge says that what he enjoys the most about his business is the constant looking for new inventory and meeting customers. His goal in opening the business was to “fill a void in the community.”
“We have household items too numerous to mention,” he said. “Glassware including Pyrex, Corningware, fire-king, depression glass, lawn and garden tools, Mechanic’s Tools, Carpenter tools, Guns, Knives, Coins, we sell anything we can buy reasonable, and our inventory is constantly changing.”
Also, his business, Legacy Auction Company is full-service.
As Hodge explained, “After the seller and I come to a contract, the seller has nothing else to do. We come in and make the list for our flyers, take pictures of all the items and put them on Facebook as well as on Auction Zip. We prep all items and the location before the day of sale.”
He noted that they have a large mailing list as well as a wide online presence.
Hodge did note that, “If we are having an auction, the store may be closed but we will post the information on Facebook. If you’ve never been to an auction, try it once. We usually have a blast. God Bless the citizens of Craig.”
Everyone is invited to stop by his new business. “You don’t have to buy, just come visit,” he said. “We are open Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. You can contact us at 540-765-7181.”