Pam Dudding-Burch
Contributing writer
Even with the budget still being a concern for many, the Craig County School Board still took time for sincere appreciations and recognition at their last meeting held on Tuesday, May 8.
“Many of you remember what our parking lots looked like a year ago,” Superintendent Jeanette Warwick shared as several nodded in agreement.
The Virginia School Board Association allows schools to nominate businesses who have made played a crucial role in supporting the schools for donations. On Tuesday, March 6, the Craig County School Board adopted a resolution.

A framed certificate of appreciation was given to honor Adams Construction Company while other certificates of appreciation were presented to Gary Wright and Earl Long for their generous support of Craig County Public Schools.
“The Craig County School Board names Adams Construction Company to the 2018 Virginia School Board Association Business Honor Roll showing appreciation for their ongoing support of this community’s public schools,” Warwick stated. “Your work has aided this community in focusing on the goal of providing the best public schools we can for every child; therefore it is with much gratitude that I speak on behalf of teachers, students and the School Board and say that we greatly appreciate your contributions.”
A framed certificate of appreciation was given to honor Adams Construction Company. Certificates of appreciation were given to Gary Wright and Earl Long for their generous support of Craig County Public Schools.
Two Craig County FBLA students were recognized for their exceptional talent at the March 2 Blue Ridge Spring Regional FBLA Conference. Virginia Johnson and Alexis Andrews came in first and second place respectively in the Accounting I competition. Both wore their official t-shirts for the recognition.

Two Craig County FBLA students were recognized for their exceptional talent in the March 2 Blue Ridge Spring Regional FBLA Conference. Virginia Johnson and Alexis Andrews came in first and second place respectively in the Accounting I competition Both students were eligible to compete at the State Conference which was held in Reston, Virginia in April. Warwick and their teacher, Wanda Reynolds, were both elated.
Both students were eligible to compete at the state conference which was held in Reston, Virginia in April. Warwick and their teacher, Wanda Reynolds, were very elated.
“This is an honor for Craig County High School because the same school has never had a first and second place winner in the same category,” Reynolds said before adding, “I’m very proud of my accounting students.”
The School’s Facility Usage Form was updated to include sponsoring organizations to provide proof of liability insurance. “This protects the school,” Warwick said. “It was also discussed to add a security deposit for future use of the schools. The good news is that the meal prices will not be raised.”
Warwick also shared that the Board of Supervisors passed their budget which gave the schools level funding from last year. This means they did not restore the $68,000 that they removed last year.
“Ms. Duncan and I have been working on the budget, and we have had a couple of additional retirements which has allowed us to move ahead with adjusted salary scale and the two-step increase for all employees,” Warwick explained. “The General Assembly is not meeting until May 14, so we still do not have the State Budget; therefore we used the most conservative budget, hoping to get more revenue.”
She added that approving the temporary budget allows them to proceed in generating contracts for teachers.
Summer school will be offered in Craig this year to all students who qualify. Samuel Foster, Director of Instruction and Educational Technology, explained the State guidelines.
“Summer school is limited to high school students who have failed a class during the school year and need to recover the credit,” he said. “For students who are in a class that also have an SOL test, if they fail the class and the SOL, they cannot do summer school.”
He added that if they failed a class but passed the SOL test, they can take summer school to recover the credit. “We also have other students to recover other classes, so they will not be behind in the next school year. We currently have 28 students that could possibly
Melissa Whiting will be the teacher who will oversee summer school this year. All classes are online classes. “There are no instructors for summer school,” Foster added. “It is all funded through summer school by the State, so we are limited to credit recovery.”
The next School Board meeting is set for Tuesday, June 5, at 6:30 p.m. in the Media Center.