Pam Dudding-Burch
Contributing writer
Craig County Veterans are very involved in many community projects. They continue to volunteer their time to serve their citizens and their country; a trait amongst selfless individuals.
Seldom has the local VFW Post #4491 asked for assistance with their building. Instead, they are always giving out, and working to support the youth, the schools, Veterans of Craig and citizens as well, including neighboring counties.
Many had to be encouraged to ask the community to help with their water system last year. Now, they are truly in need of a new heating system and AC unit – something that they have never had.
“We have been heating with fuel oil and wood since the building has been here,” Billy Lee, Commander shared. “One furnace is now on its last leg, and the other is very old.”
Veterans also have a beautiful large wood stove and try to keep a stock of wood at the building. However, the VFW shared that most of their members are now over 65, making the “once so easy task of cutting wood, now a bit more difficult.”
In October of 1945, Post #4491 was chartered as men and women Veterans met in one of their comrade’s homes. Later, they obtained a house in Scratch Ankle until 1976 when they purchased 4.8 acres of wooded land where their Post is today, behind Camp Mitchell area.
VFW member Paul Moore shared that they started the first part of the building in 1977 and were able to finish the remaining three years later. Most of the building was built by the hands of the local Veterans. They also raised most of their money at that time during the annual fairs held at the Craig County Fairgrounds.
However, terrible rusty water continued to be a large problem. The water was not drinkable or even good enough to wash dishes in. It was a deep rusty orange color, no matter how long you ran it, destroying the commodes and sinks.
“Because of the support of our community last year, we now have new pipes, a water heater and our water is great,” Lee said. “However, there have been no other improvements except the water project since the building was built.”
The VFW wishes to continue to do some much-needed work. “We want to fix the building up for our future Vets and their families,” Lee added. “We now rent the building out to people for birthdays, reunions, bingo and other things.”
The cost to do such is only $75 a day or $100 if you wish for them to haul the trash away.
Many things are needed for this project including; the units themselves, ductwork and a contractor.
The estimates they have received are $9,500.
This convenience of the units will enhance the building by providing a better, quieter and more efficient heating system as well as a cooling system, which they have never had.
“We will be able to cool it by AC instead of noisy fans and leaving the doors open,” Lee said.
Today, there are approximately 80 Veterans at Post #4491 and they continue to faithfully serve Craig County.
“Our mission is to continue to be more involved in our community and continue to support our local Veterans in whatever capacity we can,” Lee added.
Veterans assist Feeding America monthly, purchase new flags for the local schools, hold food drives for the local food bank and built shelves for them, deliver meals for Fishes and Loaves, assist the youth in The Shooting Stars by allowing them to use their facility and annually hold the Youth Essay contests at the schools as well as present a Teacher of the Year Award, Firefighter of the Year Award, EMT of the Year Award and Policeman of the Year Award. They also hold the District VFW meetings at their facility.
Post #4491 also provides a military funeral service for those who wish to have one. “We believe every military person should be honored with a Military Funeral,” Lee said. The Craig Valley Post is also on standby for Oakey’s Funeral Home and others in Roanoke and surrounding counties.
As long as they have fought in a war or received certain ribbons, anyone can likely join the VFW. Contact Billy Lee at 864-6169 or 798-3504 for more information. “We are the only Veterans group where you cannot just have been in the military to qualify to join,” he said.
With all the services the Local VFW does for the community, besides having fought in battles for our country’s freedom, hopes from some community members are that they are able to raise funds quickly. They are a non-profit organization.
Those interested in donating can send a check to the VFW Post #4491, 295 Hunter Drive, New Castle, VA 24127 and memo it to ‘new heat/ac system’ or give it to Billy Lee or Paul Moore. Contacting Lee is also an option.
The money will be used immediately for the new units. The members are also working on painting the building. Some assistance may be needed. “Anything anyone can do will help,” the Post shared. “No donation is too small, and we thank you for everything you do to help us.”
The VFW will be having a fundraiser yard sale on Saturday, May 12, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. at Hair Design parking lot, located on the corner of 311 and 615. They will also be available on April 28 and May 5 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Hair Design parking lot for people to drop off donations.