Pam Dudding-Burch
Contributing writer
Without exception, anything worth having is worth giving to. Many parents and kids in Craig feel that way about their new Field of Dreams multi-purpose recreation area that is still under construction.
On Wednesday, March 14, the Craig County Recreation and Conservation Association’s (CCR&CA) Field of Dreams will be participating in the Annual Roanoke Valley Gives fundraiser event.
Each year, over 150 non-profit organizations participate in this 24-hour online drive to raise funds for their individual group. The goal for Roanoke Valley is “to raise funding for participating Roanoke Valley and surroundings counties nonprofits in a 24-hour period while bringing attention to the work and worth of each organization.”
“This is the third year, and I am proud to say that we have been participating from the beginning,” Debbie Snead, Director of the Craig County Recreation and Conservation Association, said. Snead who oversees the Field of Dreams.
This year’s Field of Dreams goals is to raise $6,755 to be able to purchase three sets of bleachers for the fields. “I’m proud to have Field of Dreams be a part of this big non-profit event,” Snead added.
Supporters are invited to “give where you live,” and all donations made on the website are tax deductible.
“Your support will ensure that our children have a place to experience the joy of playing sports and being part of a team. We need you to be part of our team also, and forward this message to family, friends, groups and social media to multiply our numbers,” is just one of many messages that can be found on the website.
In 2005, an organization of Craig parents, having the desire to enhance educational, recreational and conservation opportunities for local youth, created the Craig County Recreation and Conservation Association. The nonprofit organization is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code (EIN # 27-3076198).
Snead explained that, “Since there were no recreation programs or regulation ball fields in the County, the CCR&CA secured a Board of Directors, sports director and coaches, and implemented committees for special projects and fundraising.”
Their mission is to continue to develop the multi-purpose recreation area for Craig youth and families on the 18-acre site which was purchased in 2008 surrounded by a natural stadium of mountains.
The CCR&CA also coordinates all County youth league sports programs, hosts teams from surrounding areas and serves on a volunteer basis as the County’s recreation department.
“The recreational complex and resulting activities are making a tremendous impact on the citizens and economy of Craig County,” the committee explained. “Not only does it provide a basic community service that enriches our rural County’s natural assets, but also serves as a multi-generational, multi-purpose complex for local and area sporting events.”
Their belief from research indicates that space for recreation not only assists youth in developing life-long sports skills, but promotes positive physical and mental development, and cultivates character and good sportsmanship. “Sports also provide an alternative for at-risk behaviors, the joys of being part of a team and pride in the community,” several members added.
Additional benefits to the community are extra space for school ball games and a pavilion where families and groups can gather. The adjoining creek adds to its beauty as well as its possibilities for conservation.
“Tourism opportunities will expand as visitors attend tournaments and events, resulting in retail sales growth as well as tax revenue, a real enhancement for the County’s economic development,” CCR&CA explained.
Because of the vast possibilities of this project, additional funds are needed to continue their dreams.
The mission of RVGs is to enable people who love their community to give back easily. Their vision is to have significant financial resources to fund the community’s needs forever.
To donate, please visit Craig Field of Dreams at https://rvgives.givebig.org/c/rvgives/a/CraigCoRec.
The mailing address to CCR&CA -EIN: 27-3076198- is P.O. Box 371, New Castle, Virginia 24127. They can be contacted at http://Facebook.com/CraigCoRec or by checking out the website http://www.craigcountyrca.com.
“We just learned that RVGs is up to 170 non-profits participating in the Roanoke Valley,” Snead shared. “It will be a fun and a valuable project for us. Hopefully, the goal of 6,755 to purchase three sets of bleachers for the fields will be reached.”