Pam Dudding-Burch
Contributing writer
Craig County has had an active FFA – Future Farmers of America – for over 50 years. It continues to not only grow but be an important group of young creative students in the Craig County School System.
This week, February 19-23, they will celebrate the National FFA Week by kicking it off with a teacher and staff appreciation pancake breakfast on Monday morning. Students will be “flipping some flapjacks” to make their teachers and staff smile.
It doesn’t stop there though. All week there will be something fun to participate in.
Lara Edwards, an FFA teacher for four years, says, “The students really enjoy celebrating FFA because it has given them many opportunities and we always have a great time no matter what we are doing.”
Each day of the week has a theme: on Monday everyone is encouraged to wear their hat, on Tuesday it’s all about sporting truck or tractor brand clothes, Wednesday will be flannel clothing day, on Thursday people are encouraged to represent their favorite college and on Friday everyone honors the FFA by wearing the colors blue and gold.
There will be a competition between grades, including a group of teachers. The group with the highest percentage of members participating for the week will receive a warm prepared breakfast on the following Tuesday. “The current FFA members hope to get more students involved in the future,” Edwards shared.
Additional fun things will include FFA members making the early morning announcements.
Mrs. Edwards agriculture classes will also celebrate participating in activities such as a service day of trash pick-up around campus as well as mock FFA competitions like Vet Science and Forestry, wood-shop and greenhouse projects and contests to challenge creativity.
The week will conclude with the Craig FFA livestock team competing at Virginia Tech Block & Bridle’s Stockmen’s Competition and Livestock Judging on February 23 and 24.
Then, on March 1, they will sponsor their major fundraiser, their Annual Dodgeball Tournament in the high school gym at 6 p.m.
Sixth-grade students through high school seniors, as well as all teachers, are encouraged to form as many teams as possible consisting of five to eight players.
Edwards noted that, “The FFA is a ‘student-run’ organization, so student members hold leadership positions and are at the forefront of many of the activities we do and fundraisers we put on.”
FFA members organize and run the Dodgeball Tournament, complete with official Dodgeball rules and guidelines. Admissions are only $5.00 for adults, $3.00 for students and children five and under are admitted for free.
It will be a fun time the next couple of weeks, not only for the FFA members, but the students and teachers seem to enjoy it as well,” Edwards shared. “I’m very proud of them.”