On February 1, pre-k through sixth grade Craig County students attended the Fifth Annual OSOB (One School, One Book) skit kick-off. Mrs. Missy Frazier, the Title 1 Reading instructor at McCleary and the Reading Committee, made of classroom teachers, picked The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo. The skit gave a little glimpse into the book and offered clues about what they and their families would be reading each evening. Students will read each night, according to a schedule that went home and daily questions will be asked and prizes awarded per classroom each day.

Mrs. Frazier notes “Kate DiCamillo will take us on an extraordinary journey, from the depths of the ocean to the net of a fisherman, from the top of a garbage heap to the fireside of a hoboes’ camp, from the bedside of an ailing child to the streets of Memphis. And along the way, we are shown a real miracle – that even a heart of the most breakable kind can learn to love, to lose and to love again.”
Every family received a free copy of the book. The goal is to bring families together to read. One School, One Book is a novel program in that children of all grade levels will all be listening to their parents read the same book. Strange or daring as that may seem, it actually makes sound educational sense. Reading professionals recommend reading material out loud that is beyond a child’s own reading level. The committee selected a title that can be followed and understood and enjoyed by younger students but will captivate older children as well. Teachers will be reading the book as well. When everyone reads the same book, it gives us a lot to talk about.

On February 22, from 6-8 p.m., there will be a celebration of this book with an evening filled with food, fun, games and prizes for the students and their families.
-Submitted by Andrea Jennings