Pam Dudding-Burch
Contributing writer
Whether it be a splinter that heals quickly or a lifetime side effect from a vaccine, no parent cares to see their child suffer. Ever since Hunter Ponton, the son of Bubbie and Angie Ponton, received a second round of vaccine shots, his life has changed drastically.
“As a parent, I am very proud and love my child so much,” Angie Guthrie-Ponton said. “We are so blessed to have such a great kid.”
Hunter grew up a normal toddler who loved to play. When he received his last MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) shots at school two years ago, his parents started noticing a few things which were very unusual.
“They get the first shot at age two,” Angie said. “I’ve also had parents tell me that their child started getting adverse symptoms such as anger from their first shot.”
Angie said that Hunter started holding his feelings in until he got home, then he would start with the tics and repetitive moves. “If you tried to interrupt him, he would get angry and make noises,” Angie said. “We didn’t know what in the world was going on.”
Angie’s sister is an RN and regularly communicated with the family after Hunter got his first shot. Before long, the Ponton family started a series of doctor visits, information findings and countless appointments.
Said Angie: “I took him to his pediatrician and they stated that he had OCD and referred us to a neurologist who is also a pediatrician.” That particular doctor had an EEG conducted to check for possible seizures. “His eyes would roll back, and he would sort of zone out at times,” Bubbie added. “He didn’t know anything around him, but if you interrupted him, he would get upset and start all over again. After about 15 minutes, he would snap out of it.”
A psychiatrist suggested Hunter’s parents put him on Prozac and Tenex. “The Prozac has calmed his OCD,” Angie said, “But, we don’t want him zombified.”
Hunter’s diagnoses include: Neurocognitive disorder, Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Tourettes, high functioning autism, anxiety and depression.
The Ponton’s shared that Hunter is now in play therapy at Intercept on Airport Road and has a therapist. “He likes and works well with them. He also has a psychiatrist and therapist local,” Hunter’s father said.
The Pontons want to share their story with people so they can know what to do if they are ever put in a similar situation. “A lot of people call me up and ask me questions, as there are many others in Craig County dealing with the same issues,” Angie said.
Angie and Bubbie are still searching for more solutions for their son to regain a normal life again. Someone suggested they go online to the UVA Development of Pediatric Hospital website, and they did. Angie placed a request and within two days received a phone call. She then set up an appointment for February 1 and has been working with them to relay all of his previous medical records to them.

A team of doctors are going to evaluate him individually as they seem to be more knowledgeable about autism and then afterward they are all going to get together for their conclusion,” she said.
Hunter Ponton will be seven in March. “He has good and bad days, and we never know which attributes are going to come out,” Bubbie said. “He can say really bad things, but when he snaps out of it, he will say, ‘Mommy, I’m sorry.’”
Angie talks about the anxiety and depression that comes with Hunter’s diagnosis. “If he gets really tired in the evening, he will fight it. He sometimes gets upset because he can’t understand it,” she said.
Times like these can be both emotionally and physically draining for everyone involved. “One night he had a bad episode, and Bubbie and I told him, ‘We want to help you,’” Angie said. “He told us, ‘you can’t help me because my brain does not work.’”
For months, the family has been asking for a CT scan and an MRI. “They explained that he had to be vomiting and passing out to get these tests done,” Angie said. However, one current doctor has agreed to consider such actions after Hunter returns from UVA.
Angie’s parents, Larry and Jeannie Guthrie, have infiltrated the system to find as much information about the vaccines and tests as they possibly can. “We didn’t have anything like this when I went to school,” said Larry who has read many health books over the last decade including “Inoculated – How Science Lost its Soul in Autism.”
The books state that in the 1980s, one out of every 10,000 children was actually diagnosed with autism. Sadly, today, it is one in 45 and “continuing to grow at an exponential pace.” That is over a 300 percent increase in the last 20 years!
Larry added: “The vaccine shots our kids get today are three times more potent than what they give in any other foreign country. Most of the vaccines don’t even come from the USA. It appears that the CDC-Center of Controlled Diseases in Atlanta makes money off of these vaccines.”
Angie is just taking things one day at a time. “We look at the information in these books, videos and studies and we have to ask, ‘what’s going on?’” she said.
Below are some resources that Jeanne Guthrie said has helped their family.
●Inoculated by Kent Heckenlively, J.D. This was their main informational book.
●Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder by Karyn Seroussi.
●The Encyclopedia of Dietary Interventions by Karyn Seroussi and Lisa S. Lewis Ph.D.
●Asperger Syndrome, by Tony Attwood.
The video Vaxxed is also excellent. In a nutshell, it’s a movie where a doctor and team reveal the coverup in the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) vaccines since 2000.
“Nearly all of the medical profession has been programmed to reject the vaccine damage to children, and this is very sad,” Jeannie Guthrie added.
The Pontons are continuing with their research, turning over every informational rock they can find. Recently, they found a workshop in Salem titled “The Perfect Storm: Understanding Neurodevelopmental Challenges.”
“Its purpose is to help bring awareness to the most common ingredients that constitute these now pandemic issues of childhood illness you may not be aware of,” various Salem Cotton Chiropractic employees said. “One won’t leave just with information about these challenges but feeling empowered with knowledge and positive action steps to put in place immediately to help your child live the life they deserve.”
The Ponton’s bottom line lies in their hope. “Is there more that we can do, as we don’t want him on these medications? I want him off,” Angie said. “I need someone to help me help him.”
Angie and Bubbie researched The Blue Ridge Autism School and the REACH program where they come into a parent’ home and help them know how to help their child.”
“I don’t want to push anything on anybody, but I can strongly suggest for each parent to do your education research,” Ponton said. “I am putting information on my Facebook page to share with other parents going through the same diagnosis with their children.”