The Craig County Recreation Basketball League has completed the winter food drive for the recreation league.
The goal was to hit 1,000 items and the club surpassed that by getting over 1,200 items. Each team was given one point for each item donated or each $1 in cash donated. All 12 Craig County recreation teams had three weekends to turn in items at the admissions area. Each Sunday supervisor Sheri Sloss would post on social media the standings for each team and last Sunday was the final day for donations.
“We were able to get 1,204 points total for all teams, which is wonderful!,” said Sloss. “The CCRCA & Field of Dreams relies on volunteers, cash donations, fundraisers, and grants. Registration fees alone do not cover expenses for rec sports. Since our community gives to us, we wanted to give back to our community.”

The club received cash donations along with non-perishable foods. All cash donations were given to Fish & Loaves at a local church along with some food items. This church provides meals each week for families and elderly who are not able to get out of their homes during bad weather. The cash donations can be used for supplies, meats and the like.
Some items were boxed up and delivered to families in Craig County, and part of the donations were given to Craig County Child Care Center for a family in need. All other items were given to Craig County Department of Social Services food bank.

The team that accumulated the most points was the Craig County Lady Panthers, coached by Stacey and Tommy Fisher and Gina Smith.
The first attachment just shows which team won which is the Lady Panthers (Stacey & Tommy Fishers team). Second attachment is a photo taken of the first weekend of donations sent to the church. We had two remaining weekends on donation after that.