McCleary Elementary is a finely tuned machine that runs smoothly because of the dedication of the front office staff. Bookkeeper Kim Wolfe, Secretary Susie Mattox and Principal Gerri Van Dyke all do an incredible job. These ladies keep teachers organized and the students in line.
Mrs. Wolfe worked at Wells Fargo for 17 years before coming to CCPS. She has lived in Craig County her entire life and attended school here. She has three children: Harley, Halie and Jaycob. A CCHS graduate, Harley is currently pursuing a career as a nurse. Halie, another CCHS graduate, is studying to be a special education teacher. Jaycob is presently a student at McCleary Elementary. Mrs. Wolfe states that the best thing about working at CCPS is the children. She commented, “I love being around the kids!” She is a huge VT Hokie fan and also enjoys cheering on the Craig County Rockets.
Mrs. Mattox started out as a volunteer at McCleary many years ago. She volunteered for four years in the classrooms and the office. She then became a part-time teaching assistant in the fourth grade, followed by being a full-time third-grade assistant, before working in the office. She has been with Craig County schools for 24 years. She grew up in Craig County and continues to live here. She and her husband Greg have two children, Rusty and LeeAnn, a daughter in law named Kristen, and two granddaughters, Rylee and Kenzlee. “My favorite thing in working here is we are like family and have great kids,” she said.
Mrs. Van Dyke has a total of ten years of teaching experience in both Texas and Craig County. She has taught all elementary school grade levels and spent eight years as the early childhood special education teacher in Craig County. She stated, “I have always wanted to do two things for as long as I can remember: be a mom and a teacher.” She and her husband have two sons and one girl who all attend McCleary. She is originally from Oklahoma but moved to Craig after her husband Shaun got out of active duty in the Army. She loves the close-knit community. When she moved here from Texas, she was impressed with how the people in Craig quickly embraced her and made her feel at home. She often shares her favorite quote by Aristotle, “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”
McCleary is very fortunate to have such caring, loving and dedicated individuals working in the building. They not only take care of the school, but also the students and the staff. McCleary would truly be lost without them.
-Submitted by Andrea Jennings