Andrea Jennings
Contributing writer

Mrs. Taylor (left) and Ms. Carty (right).
There are several Craig County teachers making a difference in the community. Two of them are Amelia Taylor and Melissa Carty at McCleary Elementary. Ms. Carty previously taught fifth and third-grade students but is currently teaching second grade. She has been teaching for a total of 12 years. Mrs. Taylor taught first grade for three years. This is her second-year teaching second grade. Both ladies enjoy working in a small rural community and state that McCleary has a family like environment.
Ms. Carty grew up in Roanoke County and attended Mason Cove Elementary and Northside Middle and High Schools. Soon after graduating from Radford University, she began working at McCleary. She resides in Craig County and attends Mt. View Christian church. She enjoys exercising, spending time with her family and attending church in her spare time. She also teaches fitness classes at the Salem YMCA.
Mrs. Taylor is a Craig County native in every sense of the word. She attended McCleary Elementary, Craig County Middle School and graduated from Craig County High School. She has been married to her husband Zachary, another Craig County native, for five years. They have two daughters, Lila Jo who is two-years-old, and Eden Rose who is two-months-old. Mrs. Taylor stays busy being a mom. However, she does find time to coach basketball and do extreme couponing.
Ms. Carty recently stated that “I have always wanted to be a teacher since I was in elementary school. I have always loved working with children, and it brings me joy to watch them learn and grow.”
Mrs. Taylor stated that she loves teaching in the same environment that she grew up in. “I wanted a job where I could be creative every day, work with kids, have fun and make a difference,” she said.
Both ladies love working in Craig County for many reasons. They both enjoy the small hometown environment and the opportunities for lots of family involvement on a regular basis. They also like working with a staff that is like an extended family with students that are top notch.
-Submitted by Andrea Jennings