Pam Dudding-Burch
Contributing writer

Amidst smiles, giggles and some of the cutest outfits imaginable, people along the streets of New Castle recently got to enjoy Craig County Child Care Center students (CCCCC) on Halloween. The beautiful day opened the door for the annual CCCCC Fall Parade from the school to Main Street.
As the kids walked and the little ones were strolled, people waved gleefully, tooted their horns and seemed to slow down to make sure they could take in the cutest parade around.
“We had about 50 of our students which we took on our Trick or Treating event,” Teresa Oliver, Executive Director, shared. “They were six weeks to four-years-old.”

The students received lots of treats from the local businesses and lots of compliments from the community. “The weather was beautiful for our fall parade,” Oliver exclaimed.
Currently, CCCCC also has more openings in their four-year-old program through a grant. “This grant provides free pre-school for youth,” J.D. Carlin, Prevention Specialist of Prevention Services with Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare who works closely with the students, said.
Oliver and the staff at CCCCC work diligently to keep their students involved and active, as well as educated in the classrooms. “We strive to have many outings and special speakers for our students,” she said.
The students and their parents seem to agree and look forward to the daily entrance into their school, as sometimes they are welcomed with surprises as well.