Kirstann Edwards

Laurel Pollock and Claire Deplazes, the only two members of the Craig County Misty Mountain Mane-iacs 4-H Horse Club, made the trip to the Virginia State Championship 4-H Horse Show on September 15-18. They both rode beautifully and returned with many ribbons and awards.
Laurel rode her walking horse Old Red in the Ambling pleasure division and competed in the English trail division that she and Red won first place and a trophy. In the ambling classes she placed second, third and fifth in the Classic Ambling. Laurel also competed in Racking/Ambling Equitation where her flawless execution of the pattern won her the blue ribbon. In addition, Laurel was chosen SW VA 4-H Horse Ambassador for 2017.

Claire and her large pony RuhRoh competed in the hunter division over fences and on the flat. They started the show off by winning eighth place in showmanship out of a very large class. Next, Claire and RuhRoh put in smooth and consistent rounds in the 2’6″ over fences classes to win fourth and fifth place ribbons. Claire rode very well in a tricky equitation over fences to win second place and she finished the weekend by earning a second place in the under saddle or flat class. She also entered the photography contest and placed fifth.
Both girls were pleased with the show weekend. Laurel said, “my favorite thing about the state show was seeing my 4-H friends and riding on the beautiful show grounds.” Claire said she felt this was her best overall show and felt really good about the way she and RuhRoh performed.