~ 2017 FSA election process begins ~
The Botetourt/Craig/Roanoke County USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) recognized FSA committee members for their dedicated years of service to the local area farmers. Their service on the FSA County Committee (COC) is truly appreciated as the agency depends on their sound judgement in the decision-making process for FSA programs.

The Farm Service Agency recognized J. C. Winstead of Craig County for 10 years of dedicated service and who is currently serving as the 2017 Vice Chairperson. Carson L. King of Roanoke County was recognized for 35 years of loyal service and serves as this year’s Chairperson.
The Chairperson, Carson L. King, recently presented Russell C. Anderson with a Certificate of Election for 2016. Mr. Anderson has begun his 35th year of service as a Botetourt County member for the Fincastle/Eagle Rock area.

Ann G. Harrell, COC Advisor, was recently reappointed by the Virginia FSA State Committee to serve in this capacity for 2017. Mrs. Harrell begins her 20th year of service to FSA having served as a COC advisor and a COC member.
Ned B. Jeter, II, is the newest member of the county committee and was newly elected by his peers for 2017. Mr. Jeter has begun his first year of service with the Botetourt/Craig/Roanoke FSA County Committee representing the Amsterdam/Buchanan area.
William H. Stinnett of Buchanan has recently rotated off the county committee for 2017 having served his term limit of three 3-year terms (9 consecutive years). The committee recognizes Mr. Stinnett’s many contributions and hours of dedication to the committee system having served the Farm Service Agency for 23 years.
FSA county committee members across the country represent the farmers and ranchers in their communities. Producers elected to these committees have always played a vital role in local agricultural decisions. They are essential to the daily operation of nearly 2,200 offices across the country. It is a valued partnership that helps FSA better understand the needs of the hardworking farmers and ranchers served by USDA-FSA.
Nearly 7,700 FSA County Committee members serve FSA offices nationwide. Each committee has three to 11 elected members who serve three-year terms of office. One-third of county committee seats are up for election each year. County committee members apply their knowledge and judgment to help FSA make important decisions on its commodity support programs; conservation programs; indemnity and disaster programs; emergency programs and eligibility.
The county committee election this year will be held in Craig and Roanoke Counties. Nominations will be accepted for the 2017 election now through August 1. The new members will take office January 1, 2018.
For more information on FSA elections, visit the FSA website at www.fsa.usda.gov/elections. You may also contact your local USDA Service Center or FSA office. Visit http://offices.usda.gov to find an FSA office near you.