Brady Price, a former standout baseball player at Craig County, has returned to the dugout to coach the Rocket baseball team. This will be Brady’s second stint as varsity coach and he has a very young team to work with.
“We are a very young team this year,” said Price. “We will be learning a lot together as a team as the year progresses.”
Craig’s only senior on this year’s team is Chad Ryan. He’ll be one of the pitchers and he’ll also play the field.
The Rockets have three juniors, Jesse Brizendine, Ryan Lucas and Matt Huffman. Sophomores are Dalton McPherson, Devin Hutchison, Jake Robertson and Brandon Swingle. Three freshmen also made the varsity team, Dakota Henderson, Christian Fisher and Kyle Sloss.
The future is bright, as Craig also has a jayvee team this year despite having seven boys on the varsity who are either freshmen or sophomores. Ben Boadwine is coaching the jayvees with help from Derek Persinger and they have a dozen boys on the team.
Tim Edwards will be Brady’s varsity assistant. This is likely a rebuilding year for the Rockets but Price is hoping to put down a foundation for years to come.”
“I’m excited to be working with this group of young men,” he said. “With some hard work we will be able to build a solid foundation for our program for the next four years. Lastly, we have done quite a bit of work on the field this year, and I would like to send out a big ‘Thank You’ to everyone who pitched in to make it possible.”
The Rockets were scheduled to open on Tuesday at home against Auburn, but at press time that was questionable with bad weather in the forecast. The next scheduled game is next Monday, March 20, at home against Narrows.