Roanoke-based Branch Highways was awarded a $17.9 million contract to do the improvements on US 11, US 220 and Alt. 220 around Interstate 81 Exit 150.
The Salem District VDOT office announced the Commonwealth Transportation Board awarded the contract during its Wednesday, March 18 meeting in Richmond.
The project is designed to improve traffic flow, enhance safety and eliminate congestion at Exit 150.
The project entails the following improvements around the intersection of US 11, US 220 and Alt. 220:
• Creating a dedicated Exit 150B northbound off-ramp with northbound US 220 that will accommodate the heaviest traffic movement at the US 11/220/220A intersection
• Building a new northbound I-81 on-ramp from northbound US 220 adjacent to Exit 150B to provide safer access
• Modifying Exit 150A to allow right turns onto US 11 southbound only and eliminate hazardous merge/weaves
• Providing a roundabout to enhance traffic flow and increase capacity at the Exit 150B/Route 11 intersection
• Replacing US 11’s center turn lane with a raised median with no left turns allowed between Exit 150B and the US 11/220/220A intersection
• Constructing Gateway Crossing, a new connection between US 11 and Alt. 220.
Construction on the improvement project is expected to start in late spring. Estimated completion is fall 2017 with remaining incidental work completed by summer 2018.
For more information about the Interstate 81 exit 150 improvements, visit VDOT’s website at