Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
Many locals are involved in decision making when it comes to the community at large. Therefore, several have come together, and asked Delegate Joe McNamara to visit New Castle for an opportunity to speak directly with his constituents and allow them to ask questions in person.
McNamara was elected for the 8th District when Greg Habeeb chose to resign his position after eight years in the House of Delegates.
Habeeb stated that his responsibility to his family and his law firm Gentry Locke were prompting him to resign from the General Assembly. He shared that he was excited about the next chapter of his life with his family.
The new delegate, McNamara, owns the well-known ice cream parlor in Salem across from the Post Office. He had talked with people there, stating that he “believes his extensive local experience and conservative voice will serve the region in Richmond.”
“It is critically important that a good solid proven conservative goes to Richmond and furthers our objectives that so many of our voters are demanding and expecting from our delegates today,” McNamara told WDBJ-7.
He also noted that one of the first things he wanted to do in Richmond was to analyze the state budget.
Virginia Senate David Suetterlein was quoted as saying, “As the next Delegate from the Roanoke and New River Valley, Joe would continue Delegate Greg Habeeb’s work to advance pro-life, fiscally conservative and pro-Second Amendment principles.”
Vice Mayor Jordan Labiosa on Joe McNamara: “He has been a rock-solid conservative during his first year in the General Assembly. Please come out and meet Delegate McNamara so that he can be informed about issues important to Craig County voters.”