Wind farm construction expected to start by end of this year
Apex Clean Energy Project Manager Charlie Johnson told the Botetourt Board of Supervisors his company is working diligently to start...
Apex Clean Energy Project Manager Charlie Johnson told the Botetourt Board of Supervisors his company is working diligently to start...
Botetourt’s first-year teachers met Tuesday morning at The Glebe in Daleville in preparation for their first official day, which...
The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has reported that a Saturday morning chemical spill in Simmons Industrial Park in Cloverdale...
This drawing from a photograph of the late Mac Cahoon with a pair of his mules is on the Botetourt...
So far, there have been 306 reportable vehicle accidents in Botetourt County in 2017, according to the new interactive...
As county officials interview for ag development position A study released late last week shows agriculture in Botetourt County had...
When President Donald Trump and Vice-President Michael Pence toured the grounds of the White House during Made In America...
Carol Geiger and Greenfield Preservation Advisory Commission member Angela Coon talk with Greg Webster of Hill Studios at last week’s...
The Gardner family, Jennifer and James with daughter Addy and son Bryson. The all-abilities playground will featured the best elements...
The Botetourt Planning Commission recommended approving three land use-related requests when it met Monday evening in Fincastle. Among them was...