Bonnie Cranmer
Contributing writer
This past week has brought a flood of sweet, juicy strawberries to Craig County, thanks to a recent FFA fundraiser. The 40 club members sold 322 full flats of strawberries, “that’s 2,576 1-pound pint containers,” shared Emily Nolen, FFA advisor. The sales resulted in approximately $4,500 for the club. The strawberries can be enjoyed in recipes found on school board member Faye Powers Facebook profile and at local Lemon and Vale Cakery in cheesecake and delectable donuts.
“Funds are used to support registration fees for state convention, national convention, banquet fees, and to host Ag Activities for K-12 such as FFA week and our community dinner,” Nolen continued. The FFA students have been busy fundraising while preparing for the next big event, the Land Lab Ag Fair, scheduled in May.
Displays from the club’s projects and activities will be shared at the Ag Fair. Visitors are encouraged to walk through the Land Lab to learn about the animals and how agriculture impacts everyday life. Children’s activities including a bouncy house and petting zoo are planned. Vendors have been invited and the event will provide something for the entire community.
Virginia Future Farmers of America (FFA) promotes the mission “dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.” With over 43,000 acres of Craig County classified as farmland, educating students about the benefits of agriculture provides opportunities for their future. To learn more about CCHS FFA and the Land Lab, contact Emily Nolen at enolen@craig.k12.va.us.