From the May 11, 1994 edition of The New Castle Record
The Maywood FCE club met on April 28 at Bethel Church. Sarah Rogers was hostess. After the pledge to the flag and the Creed, some helpful hints were shared.
Marie Dobyns led the group in devotions starting with a reading entitled “Forgiveness: a Wonderful Gift” and another reading about Love.
Marie called for a moment of silence to remember fellow homemaker and friend, Garnette Hutchison, and closed with the Lord’s prayer.
The Maywood Club recently lost one of its best members. Mrs. Garnette Hutchison was a member of the Maywood Extension homemakers for 17 years. Her example as a good mother, friend and neighbor, and servant to the community will live on in the memories of the members of the Maywood Club as well as the Maywood Community. She will be greatly missed.
The bake Sale was reported to have been a success despite the cold and wet weather. Profit from the bake sale was estimated at $150. Marie reported on the Volunteer Recognition Coffee at Catawba Hospital, and brought the certificate that the Club was given. She also visited the Club’s adopted patient while she was there.
Mary Keffer reported on the information she found for toys for the Fall Festival. Several of the toys can be easily made and it was proposed that the club plan a work day to make the toys together. Laurel will copy the instructions and more details will be worked out later.
Achievement day has been set for May 14th at 6pm at the New Castle Christian Church. It will be a cover dish supper. Robbin and Lucille will bring the tea and lemonade for the Club. Wach club will have a table to put out their hand-crafts, achievements and awards. The Maywood Club will bring several awards including silver plates of the pas Homemakers of the Year and other awards and certificates of service to the community as well as handmade items. The Maywood Club is also in charge of decorations and the members of the Maywood Club were reminded to be there at 5pm to help set up.
Laural Annis presented the program about the International Year of the Family. The information covered many aspects of today’s changing family structure, from how to deal with grandparents, to helping a family adjust to divorce. Communication is a key factor to a healthy family; a helpful article on communication was included with the handouts.
Sarah served delicious refreshments including strawberry shortcake, fresh vegetables and dip, chips and soda.
-Prepared by Shelly Koon