By Edmee CR Hasler
On Feb. 18, the Craig County Public Schools held their regular school board meeting, addressing key issues affecting the district. The meeting, available for public viewing on YouTube, covered topics such as budget allocations, curriculum updates, and upcoming events.
The Craig County School Board meeting covered several key topics:
- School Board Appreciation Month: The Future Farmers of America (FFA) chapter will host a faculty and staff appreciation dinner and invite board members to join for lunch during high school or middle school lunch periods. FFA week will also be celebrated the following week due to weather delays.
- Recognition of Teachers Expecting: Three teachers are expecting babies in March.
- Budget Work Session & Public Hearing: The board opened a public hearing for budgetary concerns, but no public comments were made.
- Citizen Delegation – Pay Concerns from Drivers: A citizen representing four Craig County Schools car drivers, raised concerns about stagnant wages since 2019, requesting a pay increase to reflect rising costs. He emphasized financial struggles due to school closures affecting their pay.
- Superintendent’s Report & Energy Savings Proposal: Due to inclement weather, guest speakers presented virtually. Chrissy Scheriff from McClure Company introduced an Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC) initiative aimed at funding capital improvement projects for Craig County Public Schools through cost savings in utilities and infrastructure upgrades. The presentation covered potential efficiency improvements, projected cost savings, and recommendations for upgrading heating systems.
- Representatives from Schneider Electric, presented updates on the proposed transition from fuel oil-based boilers to a more efficient propane system. The new plan comes after previous discussions about roof replacements and solar energy were deprioritized due to pressing issues with the school’s heating system. The proposed upgrades include replacing three outdated boilers, installing a modern water heater, and improving related infrastructure to ensure reliable heating for students.
The board also revisited long-term solar energy initiatives, with Schneider Electric presenting options for a solar power purchase agreement (PPA). The company outlined potential cost savings and funding opportunities, including grants for agrivoltaic installations, which integrate solar energy with agricultural education programs.
Board members expressed optimism about securing funding, noting a positive recent budget discussion with county officials. The boiler replacement remains a top priority on the district’s capital improvement plan.
Additionally, the board briefly discussed ventilation system concerns and the potential installation of a Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS) to improve air quality in classrooms.
The meeting concluded with a reminder about the upcoming joint budget meeting with the Board of Supervisors on March 20. The school district is seeking additional funding for various programs, including staff raises and preschool expansion, which would require an estimated increase of approximately $640,000 in local contributions.
The next Craig County School Board meeting is March 11.