From the March 2, 1994 edition of The New Castle Record
Some four decade ago Charles Gwaltney bagged groceries for a young lady named Pat and took them to her car.
He also asked her on a date. The rest is Gwaltney family history—with 40 years of marriage to build on.
“I was still in high school when we met,” said Charles. “I was working at the Green Market on main Street (in Salem).”
Pat was attending college and working for the highway department. Pat knew from the start that her husband to be liked to plan ahead—he asked her in September for a date in November.
“When you take those vows it’s a life-long commitment, “Charles said. ‘Anything other than that (in belief) and you have two strikes against you.”
That’s because no matter who you are, there will be tough times. When you have that commitment, you say you are going to make through those times no matter what, the couple explained.
“You no longer have the word ‘my’ (in your vocabulary). Instead, it becomes a three-letter word ‘our’, “Charles said.
Charles grew up in Salem ad Pat has ben in the area since 1952. They still live in Salem, and have raised two daughters. They now also have four grandchildren.
“Children are the greatest thing that can ever happen to a person,” Charles said.
But, added Pat, there comes the time when you have to be able to let them go out on their own.
Both agree that rearing children today is much different than it was in the 1950’s. “There are more pressures today,” Pat said.
Though they didn’t have all the conveniences that are available today, they didn’t mind.
“You had to drive to Roanoke for an icer cream cone,” said Pat. “That was a family outing (for us).”
One thing that helps keep a couple—and a family—together is the memories that are built. Some of those come quite unexpectedly.
Charles remembers the time a flying squirrel got loose in their home.
The family had gone to bed, but about midnight Charles and Pat heard a horrendous scream.
Their cat had pinned the uninvited guest against the wall in their den with its claw. Charles said he made the mistake of pulling her off. The flying squirrel got loose and Charles—dressed only n shorts, went about trying to get it out of the house.
Later he realized the back curtain had been left open. They often wondered if their neighbors had seen the ordeal.
Chalk it up as just another family memory—one that gets shared now and then when a good laugh is needed.
Wile sharing memories, Charles and Pat also divided up the family details. For one, Pat was put in charge of watching over the finances.
“Pat’s a good money manager,” Charles said.
And in dealing with money, the couple suggests that young married couples stay away from failing into the credit card trap. “They’re so easy to get,” they said, and so hard to get out of.
“We paid as we went,” Charles said. “A day of reckoning will come (on the credit cards).”
Though it is harder to do today, Pat said she was glad she could stay home wither daughters while they were children. “That’s not always possible today,”” she said.
“Still, it is the best policy,” added Charles. “If at all possible, it is good for a wife to stay home with the children while they are young.”
Charles and Pat also said that a successful marriage is one grounded in the church and in traditions.
“We have some great times together as a family,” Charles said. ‘Birthdays are big.”
“It just takes a lot of living and loving to make a house a home,” Charles explained. “A home is more than four walls…To make is (a marriage) work, it takes a lot of work on the part of both parties.
Charles said while growing up in Salem there were several role models he looked up to. He hopes he can be the same for someone else as they build their young families.
As for advice, Pat states it simply: “Just keep working at your marriage—don’t give up.”
-Prepared by Shelly Koon
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From The New Castle Record archives