The Craig County volleyball team swept a doubleheader from Highland County last Thursday in New Castle. The Rockets won both ends of the twin bill in straight sets to pick up a pair of Pioneer District wins.
“It was awesome,” said coach Suzanne Crawford. “Everyone had stats. This is how it should be every game.
Leading in kills was Layla Dooley with a game high 18. Cheyenne Bell and Daileigh Donithan had four each while Natalie Fisher had three.
Craig had 32 serving aces as a team, led by Jenna Boitnotte with 10. Makenzie Lucas and Donithan had six each, Natalie Fisher had four while Felicity Fisher and Dooley served up three each.
Dooley led the Rockets in assists with 31, followed by Boitnotte with 16 and Natalie Fisher with a dozen. Dooley and Donithan had eight digs each and Boitnotte had six.
Craig also played at Eastern Montgomery last week and lost in three sets, 25-4, 25-19 and 25-15. Dooley had six blocks and 14 digs while Bell had eight blocks and two kills.
Now 2-8, the Rockets are busy this week with a match at Parry McCluer Monday and at Narrows Tuesday before hosting Bath County Thursday. All three are Pioneer District events.