Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
It seems that school just let out for the summer, and now it is just two weeks away from starting back.
Kids are getting their things together, talking to their friends, as school will hopefully return to a more normal way of life this year with activities and sports on their August 10 start date.
Also, the school announced, “Purchasing supplies will be optional for the 2020-2021 school year. However, if you would like to purchase your child’s own set of supplies, please see the lists below.”
Additionally, the school is sponsoring the “Load the Bus” event on July 31 at Food Country where people can donate items for the school to use for the students in the different classes.
Each McCleary Elementary teacher also has a “wish list” of supplies they need during the year.
- two boxes of pencils
- one pack of pencil top erasers
- one pack of black dry erase markers
- Protractor
- one 3-ring binder, two inches
- one pack of tab dividers
- one folder with pockets and holes for binder
Classroom Wish List: tissues, hand sanitizer, Germ-X, gently used Legos, board games, toys/equipment for recess, construction paper, graph paper, colored pencils, crayons, one pair of scissors, one pack of glue sticks, two packs of loose-leaf paper – wide ruled, one pack of sandwich or gallon Ziploc bags, highlighters and red pens (for students to check work).
- 1 ½ – 2-inch binder
- loose leaf paper
- five spiral notebooks
- five pocket folders
- pencils
- index cards
- colored pencils or crayons
- glue sticks
- scissors
Classroom Wish List: Tissues and Highlighters.
- One pencil pouch
- two marble composition notebooks – labeled with name and Science, Soc. Studies
- One-inch three-ring binder with pocket flaps to use for Spelling
- pocket folders
- glue sticks
- Several highlighters
- Individual pencil sharpener
- one box of markers
- Pack of black dry erase markers (other colors stain the whiteboards)
- One pack of 3×5 index cards
- earbuds (for Chromebook)
The Classroom Wish List: tissues, baggies (sandwich and gallon) and extra glue sticks.
- one pencil pouch or box
- Washable markers
- Pair of scissors
- Individual pencil sharpener
- Pencil cap erasers or large pink erasers
- Glue sticks
- Sharpened pencils
- Two-pocket folders
- Highlighters
Classroom Wish List: Black dry erase markers, glue sticks, tissues, sandwich and gallon sized Ziploc baggies and two-pocket folders.
- One pencil pouch or bag with zipper
- One primary journal (the book has lines with an area at the top to draw pictures)
- One marble composition books
- Three spiral notebooks, wide-ruled
- One plain green pocket folder for graded work
- Four large pink erasers
- Three dozen sharpened pencils
- One box tissues
- Blunt-edged scissors
- Two dozen glue sticks
- One box of colored pencils
Classroom Wish List: Black dry erase markers, 1 box of 8 basic crayons, 1 box of 24 count crayons, sandwich and gallon baggies.
- Two large Kindergarten-sized pencils
- Pencils
- One plastic pencil box (8 3/8” L X 5 5/8” W X 2 1/8” H)
- Two or three boxes of large crayons (8 basic colors)
- One pair of blunt-edged scissors
- Large supply of glue sticks
- One two-pocket folder
- One 3-prong folder
- Washable markers
- Two boxes tissues
- Two containers baby wipes
- Bookbag
- Change of multi-seasonal clothes (for spills and accidents)
Classroom Wish List: baggies (sandwich, snack, quart and gallon) and 1 pack each of 3 X 5 index cards multi-color and white.
Pre-K: (any extra donations are appreciated)
- Backpack
- one-inch binders
- one pack of markers
- baby wipes
The kids are getting excited and having all they need helps them to concentrate on studying as well as having fun. A big “Thank you” to all who donate.