The Craig County O-Zone baseball team, for 12 and under boys, won one and lost two in the District 7 tournament in Franklin County over the weekend. The tournament was held at Waid Park.
The Rockets opened Friday night with a 6-0 loss to Salem in a game that went well into the night thanks to early evening thunderstorms. That put the Rockets in the losers’ bracket for Saturday’s action, and Craig bounced back with a 3-1 win to eliminate North Roanoke.
Craig advanced to a game with Franklin County on Sunday, and the Rockets’ were defeated by the host team, 9-5, to end their run. As the paper went to press Franklin and Vinton had one loss each and Salem was still undefeated.
The Craig County team is the same team that played together all season. The other four teams were made up of all-stars from several teams, some pulling players from five or six regular season teams.
The Roanoke Area Youth Softball Association tournaments are being held this week and Craig County had a team entered in the 10B Division. Craig opened with a loss to a North Roanoke team on Sunday and the locals were scheduled to meet the South County Cardinals on Monday, but results were too late for publication. The tournament runs through Friday with the championship game at the James I. Moyer Complex in Salem.