Despite its 30-year legacy, many in our community still don’t know a lot about what Child Health Investment Partnership of Roanoke Valley provides. Our mission is to change the lives of underserved children and families through access to comprehensive health care services and community resources.
Services include prenatal care, asthma management, dental varnishing, family strengthening, mental health counseling, kindergarten readiness and assistance with access to other community resources.
Child Health Investment Partnership of Roanoke Valley is unique in many ways, including providing free transportation to our families, so that making and keeping appointments is not hindered by a lack of personal transportation. Our nurses and case managers make home visits, which genuinely strengthens the bond and success of our families. Our mental health counseling center opened in 2017 – not only helping our kids with services like play therapy but also helping our parents with positive coping and parenting skills.
Helping families in our community obviously can’t be the responsibility of one organization alone. We actively collaborate with our area health care systems and physician offices. Working closely alongside local providers and services helps us ensure that our kids are not only getting the health care they need but are prepared to enter kindergarten ready to learn and continue to succeed as they grow.
Our children face a lot of challenges in today’s society, some of which are easier to solve than others – but all children have the fundamental right to have access to quality health care. Child Health Investment Partnership of Roanoke Valley helps local kids and their parents get that access so we all can build a stronger community.
-Submitted by Autumn Lavering