The Craig County Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing March 25th at 6 pm, or
soon thereafter at the Craig County Courthouse in New Castle, Virginia, to consider the
application of Corie Trivette/Country Campground for a “Use Not Provided For” permit. An
approved permit will allow the property owners to conduct a Mud Run Event with camping, on
June 21st, July 12th, August 2nd, and September 20th, 2025. Mr. Trivette is also asking for an
extension of 3 years. This parcel is zoned RR, Rural Residential and is located at 202 Country
Campground Road, New Castle, VA 24127, Tax map #87-A-5. The property contains 62.3 acres
and is located in the Craig Creek District on the left side of State Route 311 approximately 4
miles south of the Town of New Castle in Craig County.
Public comment on the application may be submitted in writing to the County Administration
O ce, P.O. Box 308, New Castle, Virginia 24127, by calling 540-864-5010, or in person at the
public hearing.
By Order of the Craig County Planning Commission, in accordance with Code of
Virginia, § 15.2-2204