Contributing writer Bonnie Cranmer
If the topic of chickens has come up recently, learn the facts that will be discussed at the Craig County Extension Office on Tuesday, March 4, 6-8 p.m. Jonathan Stanley, Associate Extension Agent, will present “Starting a Backyard Flock,” covering the basics of backyard poultry. Stanley will review topics including facilities, breed selection, biosecurity, and marketing outlets. Utilizing the extensive research provided by Virginia Tech, participants will get the guidance and support for a successful small-scale poultry project.
Chickens are a stable source of protein, both meat and eggs. The current national shortage has created increased demand for both chickens and eggs. The Craig County Farmers Market has several vendors who bring a selection of meat and eggs to market days which will begin again in April. The demand for local food will increase in the coming months which is an opportunity for the backyard poultry project.
There’s a wide variety of chickens to choose for a variety of reasons. Will the birds be grown for meat, or eggs? How many birds do you want or more importantly, how many can you care for? Where will they live? Do you have a safe environment for the birds? Will the birds be chicks, baby birds that can be trained as pets? Do you want to purchase adult birds, ready to lay eggs for your family’s breakfast? All these considerations can be part of the planning process before getting birds in your yard.
Safety is another consideration with the rise in bird flu. Knowing how to identify problems with birds is a first step to successful bird management. Many of the problems that come up can be solved by checking with Stanley in the Extension Office, or the library of resources from Virginia Tech. Topics such as “Why have my hens stopped laying?” and “Small Scale Poultry Housing” are just an example of the information available.
Register for the event by phone at 540.864.5812 or by email at