When driving your car through a construction site you may see a sign that reads “temporary inconvenience for permanent improvement.” Such is the case with Craig County High School sports this fall.
The Mitchell Field football gridiron and the floor in the gymnasium are both undergoing improvements at Craig County High. Due to those upgrades the football and volleyball teams are being temporarily inconvenienced with an eye toward permanent improvement.
The Rocket football team was scheduled to have their home opener last Friday night against Auburn. However, the field was not yet deemed playable and the game had to be postponed. Luckily for the Rockets both teams were scheduled to have a bye this week so the game was moved back one week, until this Friday, September 8. Game time is 7 pm providing the field is ready for action.
The middle school football team was also scheduled to host Glenvar on Tuesday of this week, and that game was postponed as well.
In the gym a new wooden floor has been laid and it’s just a matter of time before all the painting and perks are concluded. That time will hopefully be October 2, as that’s the first scheduled home match for the girls. In the meantime the Rockets will make 10 trips out of town for matches, tournaments or jamborees. Included are a doubleheader at Highland next Tuesday, September 12, that will count for two Pioneer District matches and two trips to North Cross School in Roanoke for non-district matches. The first of the two in North Cross is scheduled for 6 pm tonight, Wednesday September 6.
On Saturday the Rockets will head to Auburn for a varsity tournament. Included in the tournament, along with Craig and host Auburn, will be Chilhowie, George Wythe and Rappahannock. The tournament is scheduled to begin at 10 am.
Once the floor is done the Rockets are scheduled to play their last five games of the season at home, all against Pioneer District opponents. The girls have been practicing in the auxiliary gym while waiting for the new wooden floor to be completed.
But once it’s done it will be nice. . .and permanent.