Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
When high school ends, many people lose touch with their friends they grew up with.
Having a school reunion has become a special time for many people who wish to see and talk with old friends and to make new ones.
The 3rd Annual Waiteville School Reunion has been scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 16 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Waiteville Community Center.
A catered lunch will be served, and the cost will be $15 per person.
The organizers always add a little fun with games and special door prizes and a grand door prize drawing. These were donated by local business owners and greatly appreciated.
“An updated Waiteville School Roster of students and teachers from 1950-1967 will be available for you to review, add other names, and share memories,” shared Janet McDaniel. “This will also be a special occasion to celebrate the former Waiteville School’s recent listing in the National Register of Historic Places.”
Anyone having school pictures is encouraged to bring their and share, or an extra copy to donate.
The Waiteville Cookbook with unusual recipes will be available to purchase for only $12 as well as two new Waiteville items, mugs for $15 and computer mouse pads for $10.
They ask that everyone register with Shelby Jennings by Sept. 1 if they plan to attend. Those interested can reach her at (304) 772-5503 or shelbyjennings1958@hotmail.com.
Checks should be made payable to the Waiteville Community Center and mailed to, Shelby Jennings, 7644 Waiteville Road, Waiteville, WV 24984.
McDaniel noted, “We hope you plan to visit with your former classmates, relatives, and friends at the Waiteville School Reunion!”