Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
When a fire happens, those impacted by the fire are eager to hear sirens come to their home.
The volunteer fire departments in Craig County work diligently in raising funds to help purchase up-to-date and needed equipment to extinguish those flames and heart wrenching moments.
On Sunday, Sept. 3, the Johns Creek Volunteer Fire Department is holding a late summer fundraising spaghetti dinner at the Forks of Johns Creek Christian Church.
“The purpose of the fundraiser is to raise funds in an effort to improve the efficiency of the building’s insulation properties,” David Barrick, treasurer, shared. “This initiative will help improve heating in the winter when we experience extreme cold weather that would adversely affect the water in the fire trucks.”
They shared that their truck bays are in dire need of updated insulation and installation of ceiling panels to keep the insulation in place which is currently lacking.
“Last winter we had to install a wood stove to help prevent the tanker from freezing,” Barrick added. “The stove was manned twice a day to keep it fired. This was necessary to maintain a 60-degree temperature in the large tanker bay.”
Fundraiser dinners like this are the only avenue available to make their building improvements.
“There are no government subsidies or grants to help with these expenses. We rely on the local community to help with funding related to building improvements,” Barrick said. “We have always had excellent participation in these fundraising efforts, and we hope this participation continues.”
The fundraiser will be held from 5-7 p.m. held at the Forks of Johns Creek Christian Church, located next door to the Johns Creek Volunteer Fire Department building which is located at 116 Dicks Creek Road in New Castle.
Each meal is $15 per meal and includes: spaghetti, salad, Italian bread, drink and dessert.
“We look forward to seeing everyone there!” the department shared.
Organizers are urging community members to bring their family and friends for a nice dinner or pickup and take home. Either will help the volunteer fire department to further their immediate needs to help the community in future disasters.