Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
If there is one thing for certain, no students in Emily Nolen’s class are bored. Her students have stayed very busy with their new Land Lab that they continue to build onto, animals, fundraisers and participate in animal competitions.
Currently they are planning their Annual Land Lab Ag Fair for May 6, 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. which will include an old-fashioned cake walk and cake auction.
Admission is free, as there will be crafters, vendors, live music, live animals, various demonstrations, games and they are adding an old-fashioned cake walk to the day. There will be food to eat and desserts to snack on or take home.
There is still space available for vendors and crafters to set up for the day’s event. A 10×10 booth area is only a $45 donation. For more information or a booth application email Mary at huntermd56@gmail.com.
“The FFA and Ag program students, in conjunction with the Craig County Farm Bureau Women’s and Young Farmers Committees and the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service would like to invite you to attend the Land Lab Ag Fair to see the progress that has been made on our Land Lab as well as have a fun filled day of activities and shopping,” shared Nolen. “We will have live music and various demos throughout the day with animals, drones, ATV safety, fire safety, and an area where you can play games too.”
Over 40 vendors and crafters have already signed up to be there.
“We will also have a Touch-A-Truck/Equipment area with lots of tractors, trucks. lawn mowers, and excavating equipment,” Nolen explained. “We will have live animals for you to see and learn about, demos, live music all day, games to play as well as cake walks where you can win some wonderfully homemade desserts and to wrap it all up, at 2:30pm we’ll hold a live auction of baked goods.”
All of their proceeds from the games and auction will go to support the FFA and Land Lab.
“Also, the Rocket softball team will be selling hotdogs as a fundraiser for their group so come hungry!” Nolen added. “Please share this with your friends and family!”
Nolen has had her students active with their new Land Lab. They have worked with Appalachian Vet to learn about best management practices regarding beef cattle, as they got hands-on experience using their recently purchased steers.
Currently, they are working towards phase poultry section of their Land Lab project, using a $10,000 grant from Farm Credit that they recently received to expand their facilities. This includes the fence which will be made by Fence and Field, a 20-foot by 20-foot shale lot to put a barn on.
Their hopes are that they will be selling eggs in their current greenhouse or purchasing an additional “future” greenhouse as well.
Nolen explained that several middle school and high school FFA students attended a leadership conference at Virginia Tech to further develop skills that help them be successful student leaders.
They also attended a public speaking workshop at the Olde Dominion Agricultural Complex where they heard from Rhett Laubach.
They had a successful Pork Sausage Fundraiser, selling approximately 1,200 pounds of sausage this year and they extended their “thanks” to everyone for supporting the FFA through this fundraiser!
Before the yearend, they hosted a Christmas craft day at the school and invited elementary students.
“We had crafts, games, snacks, story time, and more which the kids really enjoyed!” Nolen added.
She was proud to share that they had a great competition in Front Royal.
“Our junior team consisting of Brooke Beers, Blake Hannah, Holley Givens, and Isaac Foster placed 4th overall and Brooke Beers finished 7th overall as a top individual,” Nolen said. “We had a fantastic day in Abingdon also. Both A teams consisted of Brooke Beers, Isaac Foster, Blake Hannah (Juniors) and Carter Calfee, Makenzie Lucas, Emmie Radford, and Cheyanne Bell (Seniors) placed third overall. Brooke was second place overall in the junior division and Carter was third overall in the senior division.”
Nolen continued, “We had a very busy, two-day competition at Virginia Tech. On the first day, our senior team placed 8th overall in judging. On the second day, the junior team placed 8th in the sheep and goat division, 10th in the cattle division, and 9th overall. We competed in a state meat judging competition and swept it away!”
The junior team consisted of Brooke Beers, Isaac Foster, Holley Givens, and Blake Hannah and the senior team consisted of Carter Calfee, Makenzie Lucas, Emmie Radford and Isaac Lucas.
The junior results, 2nd place individual in judging and questions from Brooke Beers, 2nd place overall team finish in judging and questions, 4th place overall team for the entire competition, 5th place overall individual for the entire competition was Brooke Beers, 7th place individual in judging and questions from Blake Hannah, 8th place overall team finish in quiz and ID Senior results, 1st place individual in judging and questions from Emmie Radford, 1st place overall team finish in judging and questions, 5th place overall team finish in quiz and ID, 6th place overall in the entire competition.
Back at the school, they had a petting zoo for the One School One Book event at McCleary Elementary.
“We also visited the elementary school to talk about strawberries and had related crafts for Ag Literacy week. We read a book about strawberries, planted some seeds, made a strawberry craft, and served strawberry punch,” Nolen explained. “Then during FFA week, we talked to the elementary students about FFA and the fun and important things we do. We gave them some agriculture fun facts, FFA color snacks, and more.”
She added that they also served a baked potato lunch to their teachers to show their appreciation for all they do for them.
And now, they are preparing for the 2nd Annual Land Lab Fair.
“We are including an old-fashioned cake walk all throughout the day and an auction at 2:30,” Nolen shared. “With this being said, we are looking for donations of any and all baked goods to help make these events a success.”
If anyone can donate an item or two, contact Emily Nolen or CCHS Agriculture Program, 25239 Craigs Creek Road New Castle, VA 24127 or enolen@craig.k12.va.us.
They do ask that all items be delivered to the front of Craig County High School by 7 p.m. Friday, May 5 as to prepare for Saturday’s event.
May 6, 2023
Craig County High School
10 am – 3 pm
Free Admission
FFA and ag program students, in conjunction with the Craig County Farm
Bureau Women’s and Young Farmers Committees and the Virginia
Cooperative Extension Service would like to invite you to attend the Land
Lab Ag Fair to see the progress that has been made on our Land Lab as well
as have a fun filled day of activities and shopping.
We will have live music and various demos throughout the day with animals,
drones, ATV safety, fire safety, an area where you can touch a truck and
farm equipment and an area where you can play games. There will be a
crafters/vendor row with all kinds of products available for you to purchase.
10 x 10 Crafter/Vendor Booths are $35 if paid by 4/1/23 and $45 after 4/1/23
For more information or a booth application email Mary at
May 6, 2023
Craig County High School
10 am – 3 pm
Free Admission
FFA and ag program students, in conjunction with the Craig County Farm
Bureau Women’s and Young Farmers Committees and the Virginia
Cooperative Extension Service would like to invite you to attend the Land
Lab Ag Fair to see the progress that has been made on our Land Lab as well
as have a fun filled day of activities and shopping.
We will have live music and various demos throughout the day with animals,
drones, ATV safety, fire safety, an area where you can touch a truck and
farm equipment and an area where you can play games. There will be a
crafters/vendor row with all kinds of products available for you to purchase.
10 x 10 Crafter/Vendor Booths are $35 if paid by 4/1/23 and $45 after 4/1/23
For more information or a booth application email Mary at
“As you can see we have a lot going on, but that is nowhere near the end of it!” Nolen said. “Please join us on May 6 for a fun filled day for the whole family!”