Birds are singing. Butterflies are in flight. Welcome back Spring! Before we stress over mowing lawns and weed management, let’s think flowers. They are so full of hope and the reward of nature’s beauty. There are never enough.
Prepare now for the free plant exchange at the library—Swap Day on Saturday April 22 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. If you are thinning out a flower bed, bring the overflow for someone else to nurture in their garden. Don’t want to pot them, a plastic bag will do. How about houseplants that need thinning or just a healthy cutting? If cuttings are in fresh water, they will soon have roots for someone else to plant. It’s all about passing along your abundance and giving someone else a new plant. Seeds are also welcomed.
Stop by on Saturday, drop off plants and take home something new, all free. Allow time to check out free books and DVDs. The Book Barns will be open with new material tucked in. There may be a treasure for you or your family to discover. Pass this on to family, friends and neighbors. There is an abundance of plant lovers all around us and thank goodness for that!