Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
Craig County has a small school system, but the teachers and administrators work diligently to make their events “a time to remember.”
Friday night’s One School – One Book annual event at McCleary Elementary School proved that to be.
At 5:45 p.m. on March 17, there were already 75 kids and parents lined up outside with great anticipation of the evening’s fun that was planned for them.
And that was just the beginning of a couple hundred more that came for the evening’s festivities.

As they entered, the kids and parents were given a card. For the child, they received entrance to the many games they could play which all had prizes. They also could get free popcorn, colored cotton candy and a dinner which included a hot dog, chips, a cookie and a drink. Parents were given an adult’s ticket which gave them a free meal as well.
Kids then proceeded to where different games or activities were set up for them to play and participate in which included making a balloon dinosaur, playing pin the tail on the dinosaur and
throwing rings to try and get them on the dinosaurs’ horns and tusk.
They also got to put on dinosaur feet, where plastic balls were put in the toe prints of them and they had to walk to a bucket, trying to tilt their big dinosaur feet over it to get the balls in the bucket. This was fun to watch, as the kids cheered one another on.
They even got to get a dinosaur tattoo which kids lined up to get. “Mine is so cool!” one boy announced proudly as he held his hand up giving a big “rooarrr!”
All the games had prizes from squishy dinosaurs to bubbles.
Teachers’ boards were all decorated from St. Patrick’s Day to dinosaurs. One board asked the teachers and kids to name their dinosaur. Some of the names were, Bitesaurs, Fercious Stegos, saurus, Speedyspinax, Spike Stegos, Chomp Stegos, Giant Odon, Ferocious Saurus, Gianttitanous, Stegotitanos, Fred, Chompdraco, Scoopnypoop, Roarodon and even Uncle Beasley, to name a few.
The Farm Bureau Women’s Committee set up a craft where the kids got to pick out cut out eggs, and baby chicks and put it together to make a chick in an egg. They also were given free stickers.
Laughter and smiles were in abundance and the atmosphere was electric.
The “funnest” part many of the kids said was in the gyms, where two huge bouncy houses were set up along with the long bouncy maze. The line was long the entire evening.
There was also a petting area where kids got to hold guinea pigs, a furry bunny rabbit and pet a small black calf.
There was no boredom to be seen in any area. Parents may have been exhausted trying to keep up with their kids’ excitement to go to the next area, but smiles, handshakes and a lot of hugs were exchanged in the hallways as they passed.
In the cafeteria, there were tons of prizes displayed which were drawn for at the close of the evening.
When the announcement was made for the games to end, kids ran to the cafeteria, circling the prizes. There was a kayak, fishing pole with tackle box, two bikes, scooters, dinosaur robots, dinosaur games, blankets and much more.
Each time a kid’s name was drawn, the other kids clapped and cheered.
The grand prize of the kayak with the fishing pole and tackle box went to Raelynn Harless. James Hypes and Kenadee Tripp won the bikes. Keaton Foster and Rayen Slusher won the scooters.
All the prizes were given out and the evening came to an end. Kids and parents left with what seemed like a spirit full of contentment.
Every kid had several crafts and prizes they had won at the games, and some were a bit worn out from bouncing so much in the houses, eating popcorn and cotton candy.
Parents gave the teachers many thanks as they left.
The school said that it would like to thank McCleary PTO, New Castle Town Council, Valley Restorations, Poppy and Company, Skate Center, Farmers & Merchants Bank, Craig County Fairgrounds, Farm Bureau, Target, Gus Menezes Photography, Sierra Frazier, Tessa Snyder with Scentsy, Dowdy Designs, Jeanette Warwick, Allie Meadows, Michelle McPherson, Kellie Stevens and Market Street Pharmacy.
“If it wasn’t for all of our sponsors, we could not have such a great event for our students,” Melissa Frazier shared. “We are so appreciative!”
Overall, the staff at McCleary said that it was a great evening and though it took a lot of work, effort, and time, it was well worth it to see their students and parents have such a wonderful evening.